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Share to Google Classroom

开发者 pritenhshah
更新时间 2020年3月24日 08:00
WordPress版本: 5.3.2
版权: GPL 2.0
版权网址: 版权信息


social share education google classroom




This plugin creates a "Share to Google Classroom" for your posts or files with all the parameters as options. Use: [share_to_google] to create a button that shares the current page to Google Classroom. The following options exist: url: the link you want to share (default: current post) size: size of the button (default: 32) theme: classic, light, or dark (default: classic) title: the title of the post in Google Classroom (default: current post title) itemtype: announcement, assignment, material, or question (default: assignment) body: description of post in Google Classroom (default: blank) You can also style the text that shows up after the button and the button itself. The button is wrapped in a span with class "gclassroom" and the label is wrapped in a span with class "glcassroom_text."


Just upload the plugin and activate it.


1.0: Creates button with all the default parameters offered by Google.