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SheetDB - get your Google Spreadsheet data

开发者 sheetdb
更新时间 2024年12月26日 16:56
PHP版本: 5.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.6.0
版权: GPLv2 or later


api google spreadsheet google api google sheets sheetdb




The SheetDB wordpress plugin allows you to easily add content from Google Spreadsheet to your wordpress site. To add content, simply add shortcode that looks like this - [sheetdb url=""][/sheetdb]. Content from within will be rendered as many times as there are rows in the spreadsheet (excluding the first row, which are column names - definition). Each time a new row is rendered, you can refer to any value using the braces notation: {{column_name}} Example spreadsheet: Example spreadsheet document Example code: [sheetdb url="" element="ul" limit=3 search="id=*" sort-by="id" sort-order="desc" lazy-loading="true"] {{id}} - {{name}} [/sheetdb] You can use following optional attributes:


Add SheetDB plugin to your site, activate it, then all you need to do is use the [sheetdb] shortcode wherever you want.


  • Content on the site will be download from spreadsheet with every pageload.
  • The Google Spreadsheet content