开发者 | shelfplanner |
更新时间 | 2024年6月25日 17:54 |
PHP版本: | 5.3 及以上 |
WordPress版本: | 6.5 |
版权: | GPLv2 or later |
版权网址: | 版权信息 |
Immediately, our dashboard provides real-time analytics.
You can start with a free 2-week trial and see if you like what we have to offer.
Our forecasting engine analyses your store’s historical and daily sales, in combination with our proprietary machine learning algorithms and external data. This is then translated into a daily sales forecast for all your products.
Of course - we are friendly people, so don't hesitate to reach out to us and ask for support, or if you have any idea on how we can make our products better. We also have a dedicated team for support and we'll try our best to answer any questions or solve any problem you encounter. You can use our dedicated support portal- or simply drop us a line at support@shelfplanner.com. You will also find lots of tips and guides on our dedicated wiki site: suppport.shelfplanner.com
Yes, you can. The Sales Forecast is calculated with live data, but we update the sales forecast for your store only once per week, every Monday morning. However, if you want to update the forecast on demand, you can do this in the 'Integrations' and 'Update Forecast Data'.