Syntax hilight 30 languages, 2 dozen themes to choose from. Fast, can easily hilight 1000 lines of code (the Google Syntax Hilighter based plugins die around 75-100 lines).
2 ways to include code in your posts - use as documented on SHJS or use the [SyntaxHilite:...] syntax described in the installation/usage section to link to a raw text file.
SHJS for syntax hilighting, simple hand-rolled JavaScript for line numbering.
- Upload the SHJSSyntaxHiliter directory to the
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Select a theme from the Settings->SHJS Syntax Hiliter options page.
There are 2 ways to include your code:
Technique 1
Inside <pre name="code" class="sh_java"></pre> just as you would normally use SHJS.
Technique 2
- Copy your code into a file on your server.
- In your posts pass the webroot relative path and language like this:
The supported languages, etc. are detailed on the Settings->SHJS Syntax Hiliter page.
Additional usage instructions can be found on