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Plugin Name

开发者 WebsiteBakery
更新时间 2014年5月15日 00:35
PHP版本: 3.7.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.8
版权: GPL3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


seo ecommerce shopp


1.1 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.6


Important! Please note that this plugin is not actively maintained. No further work is planned and it will not receive bug fixes. Any developers from the Shopp community interested in taking over the reins and resurrecting this beast are more than welcome to contact me :-) This plugin helps WordPress SEO and Shopp to work together coherently. You can even assign titles and descriptions to virtual pages such as the cart, checkout and account pages. The current version of Shopp SEO Glue was built against: If you are using a set of different versions - particularly if you are using older plugins - then please proceed with caution - the 1.6 release of Shopp SEO Glue will not for instance play nicely with the 1.2.x series of Shopp plugins. This plugin was written by Barry Hughes with contributions by Lars Koudal. Support is provided on an hoc basis and checks of the plugin support forum are infrequent: you might get lucky, but don't count on it ;-)


It's just like any other plugin! Either upload the zipped plugin archive using the Add New Plugin screen in WordPress, or unzip and upload the shoppseoglue directory so that it resides within your wp-content/plugins directory ... then activate! Shopp and WPSEO must both be installed and activated or this plugin will not do anything.


  • Admin page used to set titles and descriptions for virtual pages such as the checkout and cart pages (this has been added
  • You can reach the SEO settings page via Shopp's Setup menu (followed by the SEO tab).
  • Admin page used to set titles and descriptions for virtual pages such as the checkout and cart pages (this has been added
  • You can reach the SEO settings page via Shopp's Setup menu (followed by the SEO tab).
  • Admin page used to set titles and descriptions for virtual pages such as the checkout and cart pages (this has been added
  • You can reach the SEO settings page via Shopp's Setup menu (followed by the SEO tab).


Updating is as simple as overwriting the existing plugin with the new one.


Why do I need this?

Shopp uses custom post types and custom taxonomies, it's true, but it does not use the standard WordPress-generated post and taxonomy editors. For that reason, WordPress SEO has a hard time integrating with Shopp. This plugin aims to solve that problem by doing the legwork needed to make these plugins play nicely with one another.

How can I configure virtual page titles/descriptions?

Navigate to the Shopp → Setup admin screen then click on the SEO tab.

How about All in One SEO Pack?

To the best of my knowledge All in One SEO Pack works with Shopp without any problems. Consequently, this plugin does not integrate with AIOSEOP in any way whatsoever (as there's no need). If anyone becomes aware of a popular SEO solution other than WPSEO and feels this plugin ought to cover that, too, then please drop a suggestion into the support forum.

Is this actively maintained ... what's next on the roadmap?

Don't depend upon it! I rebooted the plugin to coincide with the release of Shopp 1.3. At this time however I tend not to use WPSEO in my own projects and so this plugin does not occupy the upper strata of my to-do list. With that in mind:

  • If you encounter bugs please do report them and I'll fix them when I can. If you can fix them yourself (or perhaps have a developer do so on your behalf) and submit a diff then that's even better - it will benefit everybody
  • Remember that this plugin is free and open source - and is provided in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty


1.6 1.5.2 1.5.1 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0