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Shorten Sub-category's Link

开发者 mcjambi
更新时间 2017年9月18日 17:31
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.8
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


shorten url subcategory nice permalink nice slug shorten category link shorten subcategory link subcategory url


1.0 1.1 1.2


Your website sometime has many category and subcategory, it's okey if Category has 2 sub category, but it's will be bad if category has more than 3 children, this simple plugin will help you shorten all of them to a nicer permalink. A permalink with a depth of more than 3 levels doesn't look too user friendly. Additionally, Google may not worry much about URL depths, though it may impact searches on other engines like Bing or Yahoo. This plugin help you shortening deep subcategory's link ! Eg: // Now it's will be: // You can choose the end of the Url, can be html or htm or something like ".jam" is okey ! This plugin work with Yoast SEO also, no worry about anythings ! After active this plugin, you have to go to Admin > Setting > Permalinks to set-up suffix for Category link, or plugin will do nothing, suffix can be anything, eg: ".html" or ".asp" or even ".amazon" Now the best way to setting main custom structure is "/%postname%" without the '/' at the ending of URL, so the category's link after shorten will have no slash at the end.


Just unzip plugin and move all of theme to plugins folder inside Wordpress directory, then go to Admin > Plugins to active it, ALL Done !


  • Setting a suffix category's permalink in setting page
  • Setting a suffix category's permalink in setting page
  • Setting a suffix category's permalink in setting page
  • Setting a suffix category's permalink in setting page
  • Setting a suffix category's permalink in setting page


1.0 First version release !


1.0 First version release !