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Plugin Name

开发者 mitchoyoshitaka
更新时间 2011年12月22日 08:38
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.1


testing metrics abtesting shrimptest


0.1 1.0b1 1.0b2 1.0b3


ShrimpTest is an A/B testing solution for WordPress under development at Automattic. For an introduction to this project, I invite you to read Every blog has a purpose. This version (1.0b3) is a release candidate. Bug reports appreciated.


  1. Upload to your plugins directory ( usally /wp-content/plugins/ )
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
Caching support (WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache) If you are using WP Super Cache, move the shrimptest-cache-plugin.php file to the plugins/wp-super-cache/plugins/ and make sure your WP Super Cache is in Half On mode. ShrimpTest support for WP Super Cache does not work if WP Super Cache is in Full On mode. If you are using W3 Total Cache, move the shrimptest-cache-plugin.php file to the plugins/w3-total-cache/plugins/ and make sure W3 Total Cache's Page Cache is using the "Disk (basic)" method. ShrimpTest support will not work with the "Disk (enhanced)" method. If you use any caching plugin without the ShrimpTest support, your experiment results will be invalid.


0.1 0.2 1.0b1 1.0b2 1.0b3