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Silent Publish

开发者 coffee2code
更新时间 2020年2月14日 15:56
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


post publish coffee2code trackback ping no ping update services


2.0 2.0.1 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.5 2.6.1 2.7 2.8


This plugin gives you the ability to publish a post without triggering pingbacks, trackbacks, or notifying update services. A "Publish silently?" checkbox is added to the "Add New Post" and "Edit Post" admin pages (the latter only for unpublished posts). If checked when the post is published, that post will not trigger the pingbacks, trackbacks, and update service notifications that would typically occur. In every other manner, the post is published as usual: it'll appear on the front page, archives, and feeds as expected, and no other aspect of the post is affected. While trackbacks and pingsbacks can already be disabled from the Add New Post/Page page, this plugin makes things easier by allowing a single checkbox to disable those things, in addition to disabling notification of update services which otherwise could only be disabled by clearing the value of the global setting, which would then affect all authors and any subsequently published posts. If a post is silently published, a custom field '_silent-publish' for the post is set to a value of 1 as a means of recording the action. However, this value is not used after publish for any purpose as of yet. Nor is the custom field unset or changed if the post is later re-published. Also see my Stealth Publish plugin if you want to make a new post but prevent it from appearing on the front page of your blog and in feeds. (That plugin incorporates this plugin's functionality, so you won't need both.) Links: Plugin Homepage | Plugin Directory Page | GitHub | Author Homepage


  1. Whether installing or updating, whether this plugin or any other, it is always advisable to back-up your data before starting
  2. Install via the built-in WordPress plugin installer. Or download and unzip inside the plugins directory for your site (typically wp-content/plugins/)
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' admin menu in WordPress
  4. Click the 'Publish silently?' checkbox when publishing a post to prevent triggering of pingbacks, trackbacks, or notifications to update services.


  • The "Status & Visibility" panel when creating a new post (when using the block editor) that shows the 'Silent publish?' checkbox used to enable silent publish. If you plan to make use of it, be sure to have it checked before publishing the post.
  • The "Status & Visibility" panel when editing a post that was published with silent publish enabled. The message "This post was silently published." is shown to indicate the post was silently published. If the post has been published without silent publish enabled, no text or checkbox would be shown in its place.
  • The 'Publish' sidebar box on the Add New Post admin page (for versions of WordPress older than 5.0, or later if the new block editor aka Gutenberg is disabled). The 'Publish silently?' checkbox is integrated alongside the existing fields.
  • The 'Publish' sidebar box when editing a post (under the classic editor) that was published with silent publish enabled. The message "This post was silently published." is shown to indicate the post was silently published. If the post has been published without silent publish enabled, no text or checkbox would be shown in its place.
  • The 'Silent publish?' checkbox displaying help text when hovering over the checkbox.
  • The quick edit panel, which also includes the 'Silent publish?' checkbox allowing the feature to be enabled for unpublished posts. And as seen in screenshots 2 and 4, if the post was already silently published the checkbox would instead display the message "This post was silently published.".
  • The admin post listing of posts showing the mute icon in the 'Date' column to indicate the post was (or will be) silently published.


2.8 Feature update: added controls for silent publish in quick edit panel, added icon to post listing for posts set as silent published, showed message instead of disabled checkbox when editing silently published post, now support all public post types, noted compatibility through WP 5.3+, and more. 2.7 Recommended update: added support for the new block editor (aka Gutenberg), modified initialization handling, noted compatibility through WP 5.1+, updated copyright date (2019), and more. 2.6.1 Trivial update: fixed a couple broken unit tests, noted compatibility through WP 4.9+, added for GitHub, and updated copyright date (2018) 2.6 Recommended release: fairly significant rewrite, show "Silent publish?" checkbox as checked but disabled once post has been silently published, noted compatibility through WP 4.7+, dropped compatibility with WP older than 4.6, more 2.5 Minor release: improved support for localization; verified compatibility through WP 4.5; updated copyright date (2016) 2.4.2 Bugfix release (for sites using the ancient PHP 5.2): revert use of DIR constant since it wasn't introduced until PHP 5.3 2.4.1 Trivial update: added more unit tests; noted compatibility through WP 4.1+; updated copyright date (2015); added plugin icon 2.4 Recommended minor update: fix to preserve silent publishing status after being published; added unit tests; noted compatibility through WP 3.8+; dropped compatibility with versions of WP older than 3.6 2.3 Recommended update: renamed and deprecated a filter; noted compatibility through WP 3.5+; and more. 2.2.1 Minor update: moved .pot file into 'lang' subdirectory; noted compatibility through WP 3.3+. 2.2 Minor update: fixed bug with losing Silent Publish status during Quick Edit; added new filter to allow making checkbox checked by default; noted compatibility through WP 3.2+ 2.1 Minor update: implementation changes; noted compatibility with WP 3.1+ and updated copyright date. 2.0.1 Recommended bugfix release. Fixes bug where auto-save can lose value of silent publish status. 2.0 Recommended major update! Highlights: re-implemented; added filters for customization; localization support; use hidden custom field; misc non-functionality changes; verified WP 3.0 compatibility; dropped compatibility with version of WP older than 2.9.


Why would I want to silent publish a post?

Perhaps for a particular post you don't want any external notifications sent out. If checked when the post is published, that post will not trigger the pingbacks, trackbacks, and update service notifications that might typically occur.

Can I have the checkbox checked by default?

Yes. See the Filters section (under Other Notes) and look for the example using the 'c2c_silent_publish_default' filter. You'll have to put that code into your active theme's functions.php file or a mu-plugin file.

Why is the "Silent publish?" checkbox disabled?

If the "Silent publish?" checkbox had been checked at the time a post is published, the field will be shown but will disabled for that published post. Once a post is published, changing the value of the checkbox has no meaning, so there is no need to make it checkable. If you unpublish the post, the checkbox will again be clickable.

Why did the "Silent publish?" checkbox disappear?

If the "Silent publish?" checkbox had not been checked at the time a post is published, the field will no longer be shown for that published post. Once a post is published, changing the value of the checkbox has no meaning, so there is no need to show it. If you unpublish the post, the checkbox will reappear.

Can I change my mind after I silently publish a post to post it again without it being silent?

Yes. You must first unpublish the post (by making it a draft or pending). Then uncheck the "Publish silently?" checkbox and republish the post. However, it's a bit moot at that point; once a post has been published without having silent publish enabled for it then pingbacks, trackbacks, and other notifications about the post being published have already been sent.

Does this prevent email notifications from going out to people subscribed to receive a notice about new posts to the site?


Does this prevent the post being automatically shared to, or announced on, social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc)?

No. your posts will continue to be shared to social media sites upon publication (assuming it is configured to do so by whatever plugins you have in place to share your posts).

Does this plugin include unit tests?



2.8 (2020-02-09) Highlights: Details: 2.7 (2019-03-12) 2.6.1 (2018-07-12)