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开发者 openchamp
更新时间 2022年2月8日 03:10
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.9.0
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


podcast podcasting podcast player simplecast



A plugin that connects your WordPress website to your Simplecast podcast hosting account. Displays your most recent podcast episodes and their show notes. Optionally embeds the Simplecast player into your pages as well. This plugin has no affiliation with Simplecast. NOTICE: The lastest version of this plugin has breaking changes if you are still using V1 of the SimpleCast API.


Do you support Simplecast V2?

Yes, that is the only version of the API we support.

Do I need a Simplecast account in order to use this plugin?

Yes, you sure do.

What if I have hundreds of episodes?

You can add this to your shortcode: limit="10" to just show 10 episodes. Currently the plugin only imports your 30 most recent episodes. If you need more than that please contact me.


1.0.1 1.0.0 Breaking changes! We no longer support Simplecast V1 API. If you haven't upgraded your Simplecast account, then this plugin will not work. Made various other improvements and accommodations for the new Simplecast API. Also - clear your cache to reflect the new updates. 0.2.2 Removed podcasts in draft mode from being visible. 0.2.1 Re-added the ability to add links directly to the episode. 0.2.0 Support for API V2 is here! Couple of notes: because the new API change, the link to view the full episode is disabled in this version (support for that is coming soon). Control over the amount of episodes shown and pagination is coming soon too. This had to be reconfigured due to the new API as well. 0.1.4 Small bug fixes. 0.1.3 Two new shortcode attributes: hide_player and link_text. hide_player optionally hides the embedded player (use "true" or "false") while link_text changes the text that links to your Simplecast page for that podcast. 0.1.2 Added the ability to limit the amount of podcast episodes shown through the use of the limit attribute. 0.1.1 Fixed compatible WordPress version. 0.1 Initial Revision