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SA Calendar

开发者 andreyvdenisov
更新时间 2021年4月27日 19:11
PHP版本: 4.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


appointment calendar availability schedule




Simple Availability Calendar plugin is designed for running the availability schedules of registered site users and presenting their availability calendars. The key controls of the plugin are: Availability calendar control is designed for compact presenting of the user available dates and times. Ajax is used for uploading the schedules for next months, so user don't need to wait the page reloading. User can book an appointment by selecting date and time and filling appointment form. Shortcode: [sa_calendar_calendar for_user="current|post_author|UID"] Extended availability calendar gives more opportunities for tuning the schedule. Being shown for schedule owner, it allows to manage schedule by enabling or disabling certain dates and times, and indicates the times with booked appointments. When shown for other users, it just presents the same availability schedule in different view. And, of course, user can book an appointment by selecting date and time and filling appointment form. Shortcode: [sa_calendar_extcalendar for_user="current|post_author|UID"] User's appointments list presents information about current and previous appointments of current user. There is a button for showing/hiding previous appointments. Also schedule owner can cancel each appointment and delete all information about it from the site database. Shortcode: [sa_calendar_userapps for_user="current|post_author|UID"] Simple Availability Calendar allows users to manage their availability schedules and appointments from WordPress dashboard. And super admin can manage all schedules and appointments of the site. for_user parameter:


To install the plugin, follow the steps below
  1. Upload simple-availability-calendar to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory OR install through admin Plugins page
  2. Activate the plugin in 'Plugins' page in WordPress
  3. Create pages or widgets with plugin shortcodes


  • Availability schedule
  • Availability calendar
  • Extended availability calendar
  • User's appointments


1.0 First version of the plugin


What PHP version should I have for using this plugin?

You should have PHP Version 5.3 or higher.

