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Simple Diary for Wordpress

开发者 jojaba
更新时间 2019年10月25日 03:30
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


custom post type reminders diary


1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.3 1.4 1.4.1


Simple Diary is meant to be simple enough to be used out of the box. Simple, but also powerfull and customizable. All skill user should find something to do with it. Here's the list of the settings (see screenshots for further infos): Simple Diary has been developed by keeping in mind following rules:


1-The plugin installation
  1. Upload the simple-diary directory to /wp-content/plugins/ folder of your Wordpress installation
  2. 通过WordPress的的“Plugins”菜单激活插件
Of course if you'd like to add it using the WordPress plugin manager, you can do it, it's the easiest way ;) 2-The theme update
  1. Find what theme you use in your administration Appearance » Theme section
  2. Upload the 3 files (archive-reminder.php, content-reminder.php or loop-reminder.php, single-reminder.php) matching your theme into the /wp-content/themes/your_theme/ folder. You can find these files in /simple-diary/themes-support/your_theme/ folder. For example, if you use twentyfourteen theme, you have to get the 3 files in /simple-diary/themes-support/twentyfourteen/ folder and upload them into the /wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen/ folder.


  • The Reminder compose window
  • The diary edit page
  • The Simple Diary options
  • The Simple Diary widget in the admin page
  • The widget in the Twenty Fourteen theme sidebar (frontend)
  • The diary page in the Twenty Fourteen theme (frontend)
  • A single reminder in the Twenty Fourteen theme (frontend)


Where could I find the template functions of Simple Diary?

Edit the /simple-diary/simdiaw-template-functions.php file, you will find all available template functions.

I don't want to use the widget to display the upcoming reminders, is it possible?

Yes, you can list the upcoming reminders everywhere you want, you just have to use the the_simdiaw_upcoming_reminders() function to get them in list format. This code: <ul> <?php the_simdiaw_upcoming_reminders(2) ?> </ul> Will generate a html code like this: <ul> <li>Eiffel tower visiting<br>Date: 30/06/2014<br>Location: Paris</li> <li>Storks observation<br>Date: 06/06/2014<br>Location: Obersoultzbach</li> </ul>

Is this plugin compatible with Gutenberg, the new WordPress Editor?

Yes. Beginning with 1.3 version of this plugin.

Can I duplicate some recurrent events, reminders?

No, sorry! But you can alternatively use the Duplicate Post plugin developped by Enrico Battocchi. I tested it and it worked fine with reminders. You just have to go to the settings of Duplicate Post and enable the custom post reminder to have it work for it.

Can I create a reminder from a post compose window?

Yes, you can! You just have to enable this feature in the option panel, after that, you will be able to create a reminder using the link located in the Sidebar and / the admin Toolbar on a post compose (edit) window.


1.4.1 1.4 1.3 1.2.1 1.2 1.1 1.0