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Simple Footnotes Editor Button

开发者 acusti
更新时间 2013年7月16日 02:47
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.5.2


button tinymce toolbar footnotes endnotes wysiwig


0.2.1 0.2.2 0.21


The Simple Footnotes plugin allows you to add simple, elegant footnotes on your site. This tiny plugin makes it incredibly simple to create those footnotes, leaving nothing to teach the site’s editors (no need to explain shortcodes or special syntaxes). It adds a button to the TinyMCE editor toolbar in the second row that users can click to display a textarea where they can enter the footnote content and then add footnotes with the proper syntax.


  • The overlay box where the user enters the text content of the footnote (it can accept HTML).
  • The footnote shortcode created by the plugin.
  • The above screenshot shows the button icon with hover style in the editor toolbar. It’s in the bottom row (i.e. the “Kitchen Sink”), second to the end.
  • The overlay box where the user enters the text content of the footnote (it can accept HTML).
  • The footnote shortcode created by the plugin.
  • The above screenshot shows the button icon with hover style in the editor toolbar. It’s in the bottom row (i.e. the “Kitchen Sink”), second to the end.
  • The overlay box where the user enters the text content of the footnote (it can accept HTML).


0.21 0.2 0.1