Linux 软件免费装

Simple Membership

开发者 smp7
更新时间 2025年2月15日 18:55
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


profile subscription login admin paypal content teaser member members restrict membership register bbpress access control stripe protection content protection memberships members only restrict access Restrict content WordPress membership plugin


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A flexible, well-supported, and easy-to-use WordPress membership plugin for offering free and premium content from your WordPress site The simple membership plugin lets you protect your posts and pages so only your members can view the protected content. Unlimited Membership Access Levels Set up unlimited membership levels (example: free, silver, gold etc) and protect your posts and pages using the membership levels you create. User Friendly Interface for Content Protection When you are editing a post or page in the WordPress editor, you can select to protect that post or page for your members. Non-members viewing a protected page will be prompted to log in or become a member. Have Free and Paid Memberships You can configure it to have free and/or paid memberships on your site. Paid membership payment is handled securely via PayPal. Membership payment can also be accepted using Stripe or Braintree payment gateways. Both one time and recurring/subscription payments are supported for PayPal and Stripe. You can accept one time membership payment via Braintree payment gateway. Option to make membership payment buttons using the new PayPal Checkout API. There is also option to use PayPal smart buttons for membership payment. You can enable email activation or email confirmation for the free memberships. Membership Payments Log All the payments from your members are recorded in the plugin. You can view them anytime by visiting the payments menu from the admin dashboard. Developer API There are lots of action and filter hooks that a developer can use to customize the plugin. There is also an API that can be used to query, create, update member accounts. 侧栏上的会员登录小工具 You can easily add a member login widget on the sidebar of your site. Simply use the login form shortcode in the sidebar widget. You can also customize the member login widget by creating a custom template file in your theme (or child theme) folder. Option to show a password visibility toggle option in the login form. 程序文档 Read the setup documentation after you install the plugin to get started. 插件支持 If you have any issue with this plugin, please visit the plugin site and post it on the support forum or send us a contact: You can create a free forum user account and ask your questions. 其他 Language Translations The following language translations are already available: You can translate the plugin using the language translation documentation.


Do the following to install the membership plugin:
  1. Upload the '' file from the Plugins->Add New page in the WordPress administration panel.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.


If you are using the form builder addon, then that addon will need to be upgraded to v1.1 also.


Where can I find complete documentation for this plugin?

You can find the full documentation for this plugin on the Simple Membership plugin documentation page.


4.6.1 4.6.0 4.5.9 4.5.8 4.5.7 4.5.6 4.5.5 4.5.4 4.5.3 4.5.2 4.5.1 4.5.0 4.4.9 4.4.8 4.4.7 4.4.6 4.4.5 4.4.4 4.4.3 4.4.2 4.4.1 4.4.0