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Simple References

更新时间 2013年1月4日 16:00
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.5
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


jquery simple bxslider gestion referenes custom taximonies



This plugin permit to approuve your gestion of your client (or references). You shoudl be create a simple desctiption of your refernce , with a title, decription, and logo. You have 2 solution for view the references. You can put a slide or just a list. An to use is simple , you just add htis in your template : fnp_get_references($limit=-1, $post_per_page=10, $miniature=true, $link=true, $sizew=140, $sizeh=140,$cssClass="fnp_thumb img_black", $sliderJs=true); The simple difference for use the categories or tags is And you can add in your template page of your themes: fnp_get_references_by_cat or fnp_get_references_by_tags with this options ($key, $limit=-1, $post_per_page=10, $thumb=true, $link=true, $sizew=140, $sizeh=140,$cssClass="fnp_thumb img_black", $sliderJs=true)


  1. Upload Simple_references folder into the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Place <?php fnp_get_references() or fnp_get_references_by_cat("cat") ?> in your templates


  • List in Admin Menu
  • List Of Your references
  • Exemple Of Slider


Options of fnp_get_references() ?

fnp_get_references($limit=-1, $post_per_page=10, $thumb=true, $link=true, $sizew=140, $sizeh=140,$cssClass="fnp_thumb img_black", $sliderJs=true):

  • limit : limit oy all references,
  • post_per_page : limit of reference on your page,
  • thumb : if you can use minature ,
  • link : : If you want a link ,
  • sizew : width size of you thumb,
  • sizeh : height size of you thumb,
  • cssClass : default class of you thumb,
  • sliderJs : If you yant a slide or a list,

Options of fnp_get_references_by_cat() ?

fnp_get_references_by_cat($category, $limit=-1, $post_per_page=10, $thumb=true, $link=true, $sizew=140, $sizeh=140,$cssClass="fnp_thumb img_black", $sliderJs=true) :

  • category : category id,
  • limit : limit oy all references,
  • post_per_page : limit of reference on your page,
  • thumb : if you can use minature ,
  • link : : If you want a link ,
  • sizew : width size of you thumb,
  • sizeh : height size of you thumb,
  • cssClass : default class of you thumb,
  • sliderJs : If you yant a slide or a list

Options of fnp_get_references_by_tags() ?

fnp_get_references_by_tags($tags, $limit=-1, $post_per_page=10, $thumb=true, $link=true, $sizew=140, $sizeh=140,$cssClass="fnp_thumb img_black", $sliderJs=true) :

  • tag : tag id,
  • limit : limit oy all references,
  • post_per_page : limit of reference on your page,
  • thumb : if you can use minature ,
  • link : : If you want a link ,
  • sizew : width size of you thumb,
  • sizeh : height size of you thumb,
  • cssClass : default class of you thumb,
  • sliderJs : If you yant a slide or a list


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