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SKT Addons for Elementor

更新时间 2024年7月18日 19:20
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.6
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


Elementor page builder Elementor Addons Elementor Widget Elementor extension



SKT Addons for Elementor page builder is one of the great Elementor Addons that includes 123 absolutely free Elementor Widgets. These provide you more options to easily add more features and functionality into your existing website and while using Elementor provide more features to use along with the free version of Elementor page builder. Check our WordPress free themes which are compatible with Elementor. All the 123 Elementor widgets give you a jump start for your projects and increase your chances of builder better websites at faster pace. Why Choose SKT Add Ons for Elementor? Free Elementor page builder has a lot of desired functionality for which one needs to buy the pro version. However not all are willing to pay for a premium page builder. Hence we are adding a completely free add on plugin which will enhance the existing functionality of Elementor and give you more options:
  1. Post options which include adding posts in carousel, list, grid, tab and tiles format
  2. WooCommerce Product carousel, category carousel, category and product grid, single product and cart and checkout options
  3. Add accordion, data table, heading and tabs on the fly using this plugin
  4. Completely customizable with tons of options
  5. Switch on and off the widgets and the blocks you need from plugin settings
  6. Light weight and instant loading
200+ Elementor templates free for use Install SKT Templates and get 150+ Elementor templates free 123 Elementor Widgets Are Available for Free Check the following 123 Elementor widgets and their purpose and features in short. Also given are the links that show how they work:
  1. Advanced Accordion
  2. Advanced Data Table
  3. Advanced Heading
  4. Advanced Tabs
  5. Breadcrumbs
  6. Business Hour
  7. Calendly
  8. Content Switcher
  9. Countdown
  10. Data Table
  11. Dual Button
  12. Event Calendar
  13. Feature List
  14. Horizontal Timeline
  15. Icon Box
  16. Image Accordion
  17. Image Compare
  18. Image Grid
  19. Info Box
  20. List Group
  21. Logo Grid
  22. Team Member
  23. Modal Popup
  24. News Ticker
  25. Review
  26. Skill Bars
  27. Source Code
  28. Step Flow
  29. Sticky Video
  30. Testimonial
  31. 360° Rotation
  32. Timeline
  33. Advanced Toggle
  34. Advanced Slider
  35. Carousel
  36. Logo Carousel
  37. Slider
  38. Team Carousel
  39. Testimonial Carousel
  40. Animated Text
  41. Card
  42. Comparison Table
  43. Creative Button
  44. Flip Box
  45. Fun Factor
  46. Gradient Heading
  47. Hotspots
  48. Hover Box
  49. Image Hover Effect
  50. Single Image Scroll
  51. Image Stack Group
  52. Justified Grid
  53. Animated Link
  54. Number
  55. Off Canvas
  56. One Page Nav
  57. PDF View
  58. Scrolling Image
  59. Author List
  60. Post Carousel
  61. Post Grid
  62. Post List
  63. Post Tab
  64. Post Tiles
  65. Smart Post List
  66. Taxonomy List
  67. Bar Chart
  68. Line Chart
  69. Pie & Doughnut Chart
  70. Polar Area Chart
  71. Radar Chart
  72. Caldera Forms
  73. Contact Form 7
  74. Fluent Form
  75. Gravity Forms
  76. MailChimp
  77. Ninja Forms
  78. weForms
  79. WPForms
  80. Mini Cart
  81. Product Carousel
  82. Product Category Carousel
  83. Product Category Grid
  84. Product Grid
  85. Single Product
  86. WooCommerce Cart
  87. WooCommerce Checkout
  88. Price Menu
  89. Pricing Table
  90. Promo Box
  91. Social Icons
  92. Social Share
  93. Age Gate
  94. Image Swap
  95. Photo Stack
  96. Table of Contents
  97. Unfold
  98. Creative Slider
  99. LordIcon
  100. EDD Cart
  101. EDD Category Carousel
  102. EDD Category Grid
  103. EDD Checkout
  104. EDD Download
  105. EDD Login
  106. EDD Product Carousel
  107. EDD Product Grid
  108. EDD Purchase
  109. EDD Register
  110. EDD Single Product
  111. Archive Title
  112. Author Meta
  113. Page Title
  114. Post Comments
  115. Post Content
  116. Post Excerpt
  117. Post Featured Image
  118. Post Meta
  119. Post Navigation
  120. Post Title
  121. Site Logo
  122. Site Tagline
  123. Site Title
12 SKT Addon Features for Elementor
  1. SKT Tooltip
  2. Background Overlay
  3. Column Order & Extension
  4. CSS Transform
  5. Display Condition
  6. Floating Effects
  7. Grid Layer
  8. Image Masking
  9. Shape Divider
  10. SKT Particle Effects
  11. Text Stroke
  12. Wrapper Link


Step 1: Upload the plugin file to install by navigating through Plugins➔Add New➔Upload Plugin➔Choose File to Install from your WordPress dashboard or you can simply search for the SKT Addons for Elementor from the plugin directory by going to Plugins➔Add New and search for the plugin in the search tab to install it on your WordPress site. Step 2: After successful installation, you have to click the "activate" button to activate the SKT addons for Elementor. Step 3: When you activate SKT Addons for Elementor, kindly visit our SKT Addons Dashboard Tab to enable or disable widgets and features. Check our documentation for a detailed working and guide: Documentation


  • Card
  • Advanced Data Table
  • Horizontal Timeline
  • Image Accordion
  • Logo Grid
  • Image Stack Group


Can I use SKT Addons for Elementor without Elementor?

This is one of the plugins which is dependent on Elementor page builder. So the free version needs to be activated before you can choose to download and activate this plugin.

Does it work along with other Elementor Addons?

Yes it does work with most of them barring a few. Check for the same and use it along with others.

Does it work with any WordPress theme?

Yes it works with any WordPress theme which is compatible with Elementor page builder.

Does it work with Elementor Pro?

Yes absolutely it works with Elementor pro as well.


2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.0