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Smart Affiliates

开发者 storeapps
更新时间 2015年4月29日 20:45
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.9 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.1.1
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


affiliate plugin woocommerce ecommerce share commission affiliates partner affiliatewp affiliate wordpress


0.1 0.2


Smart Affiliates is the Easiest Affiliate Management System for WordPress (and WooCommerce)!! Smart Affiliates is undoubtedly the simplest tool that helps you track Affiliate Sale, Referrals, Commissions, Record Payouts and much more - all from a single screen interface. What makes Smart Affiliates the best affiliate plugin for WordPress? Single Screen Interface One thing that sets apart Smart Affiliates from all other affiliate systems is its intuitive user interface. You no longer have to struggle with different screens and menus to track affiliates, referrals and payouts. Everything is available in one single dashboard. Understandable KPIs No jargons, and all the important key performance indicators. All available at a glance. Flawless WooCommerce integration Not only does Smart Affiliate automatically link WooCommerce orders with affiliates, it also updates commission status as order status changes. Pending to Completed, Completed to Refunded... You don't need to lift a finger. Commission status will be sync'd with WooCommerce order status automatically. Crisp Realtime Reports Smart Affiliates gives you clean, simple and intuitive reports about Total Sales, Sales from Affiliate, Reports on Indiavidual affiliates performance, an affiliate leaderboard and more... Unlimited Tracking There is no limitation to the number of affiliates and the affiliate traffic. Track it all! Easy Migration from other Affiliates plugin Smart Affiliates provides easy and quick migration from popular WordPress Affiliates plugin. Click a button and all your data from Affiliates plugin will be imported to Smart Affiliates. Hassle-free Integration No short codes. No complex procedures to be followed. All you need to do is set this plugin on your WP site, fill up a few setting details and you are ready to roll. Friendly Support An important part of any business online is customer support. Expect to get awesome support!


  1. Unzip and upload contents of the plugin to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Click on 'Smart Affiliates' option within WordPress admin sidebar
Setting up Smart Affiliates Migrate from "Affiliates" WordPress plugin


  • Smart Affiliates single screen dashboard!
  • Smart Affiliates single screen dashboard!
  • Smart Affiliates single screen dashboard!
  • Smart Affiliates single screen dashboard!
  • Smart Affiliates single screen dashboard!


0.1 You can set individual users as affiliate now. 0.1 Initial Release


Where do Affiliates login / get their stats from?

This feature will come soon. Currently only administrators can see Affiliate dashboard.

How do I add affiliates?

Create a user role and add users to WordPress under that role. Smart Affiliates will treat all users in your selected roles as Affiliates.

Where's the link affiliates use to link to my site?

You can see any affiliate's "affiliate link" under their name in the Smart Affiliates dashboard. Additionally, go to Users - All Users and select a user. You will see their affiliate link on their profile page. Copy it and pass it on to your affiliates.


0.2 0.1