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Smart Auto Featured Image - WordPress Plugin

开发者 wpjoli
更新时间 2025年1月28日 17:41
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


featured image post thumbnail auto featured image featured image generator


1.0.5 1.0.2 1.0.6 1.0.4


Smart Auto Featured Image is the most advanced Featured Image generator for WordPress. Create custom templates with the built-in editor and use them directly in your posts. Add dynamic fields such as the post title to automate the image generation process. Get rid of third party image tools, and simplify your workflow. Featured Images are saved directly to the post being edited ! 🚀 BUILT-IN TEMPLATE EDITOR Create beautiful templates in a similar fashion as you would create an image with Adobe Photoshop. Build your image using multiple layers. Move, resize, rearrange layers anywhere you like within the canvas. Use the grid and keyboard keys to make editing a breeze ! 📐 AUTOMATE WITH DYNAMIC ELEMENTS If you wish to have the post title in your image, you can use a Text layer set as {{title}} 🖼️ UNSPLASH IMAGES BROWSER Browse from 3M+ HD images and integrate them directly in your designs for free, without attribution required. No API key required. Source: WordPress [PRO] 🖼️⚡️ DYNAMIC IMAGES Use dynamic images in your templates to automate even further your featured image generation. Supported dynamic images : [PRO] 🖼️ HD IMAGE RENDERING High Definition Featured Images contain 4x more pixels to ensure crisp images on high-DPI displays. [PRO] 📁 FONT AWESOME 6 FREE ICONS Use thousands of free icons in your templates to enhance your designs. [PRO] 💬 GOOGLE FONTS SUPPORT Create visually attractive texts in your design thanks to the Google fonts collection. [PRO] 🔺 SVG SUPPORT Integrate vector graphics easily from either SVG files, or with a simple copy/paste of any SVG code. [PRO] .WEBP IMAGE FORMAT SUPPORT In addition to .JPG & .PNG formats, you can use the modern .WEBP image format which will keep your website fast by minimizing the image file size ! Select image quality between 1-100. [PRO] ❔ CONDITIONAL RENDERING Create conditional layers in one template that will render differently depending on the actual post content. For example, if you write articles about pets, you could show a cat icon for the posts of category “cats”, and a dog icon for the posts of category “dogs”, and a paw icon for any other category. 👨‍💻 Developer friendly Smart Auto Featured Image leverages the power of WordPress Hooks. It provides a wide variety of Actions and Filters that you can hook onto. 💪 Get Smart Auto Featured Image Pro Want to create stunning Featured Images effortlessly ? Go Pro now and start creating professional grade Featured Images ! Get Smart Auto Featured Image Pro now CHECK OUR OTHER PLUGINS 3rd party services This plugin relies on 3rd party services to enable provided features. driver.js is javascript library, licensed under the MIT license, used for the built-in tutorials of the editor ( wp-color-picker-alpha is a javascript module that enables transparency setting in the wp-color-picker, it is licensed under the GPLv2 license ( The freemius sdk is used for license management and for letting users upgrade to pro ( | terms: | privacy policy: html2canvas is a javascript library, licensed under the MIT license, used to save template thumbnails and generate images (


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. e.g.
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->Plugin Name screen to configure the plugin
  4. (Make your instructions match the desired user flow for activating and installing your plugin. Include any steps that might be needed for explanatory purposes)
  1. Go to the “Plugins > Add New” page.
  2. Type “Smart Auto Featured Image” in the search field
  3. Look for the “Smart Auto Featured Image” plugin in the search result and click on the “Install Now” button, the installation process of plugin will begin.
  4. Click “Activate” when the installation is complete.
INSTALLING WITH THE ARCHIVE Go to the page “Plugins > Add New” on the WordPress control panel Click on the “Upload Plugin” button, the form to upload the archive will be opened. Select the archive with the plugin and click “Install Now”. Click on the “Activate Plugin” button when the installation is complete. MANUAL INSTALLATION Upload the folder smart-auto-featured-image to your site's plugin folder, usually it is /wp-content/plugins/. Go to the page “Plugins > Add New” on the WordPress control panel Look for “Smart Auto Featured Image” in the plugins list and click “Activate”. WHAT TO DO AFTER ACTIVATION ? Go to the Template manager page under the Menu "Smart Auto Featured Image", and create or edit a template:


  • Template editor (New template)
  • Interactive tutorials
  • Unsplash image browser
  • Editing layers using the grid
  • SAFI module in the Gutenberg Editor
  • Preview your template in a post, before generating the image
  • The Featured Image, automatically generated from the template
  • The Featured Image, showing in the actual blog post
  • Settings panel 1/3
  • Settings panel 2/3
  • Settings panel 3/3
  • A template being edited
  • Aligning layers perfectly with the grid
  • The UI tour demo
  • Featured Image Example 1
  • Featured Image Example 2
  • Featured Image Example 3
  • Featured Image Example 4
  • Featured Image Example 5


What is a template ?

A "template" is basically your future Featured Image, before it is processed by our engine. When a template is made of dynamic elements, these are rendered dynamically in order to generate the final featured image. You can use one template to generate many featured images, and do tiny changes one blog post at a time or make it enterily dynamic.

What are the steps to generate a Featured Image ?

  1. Create/Edit a template in the Template manager
  2. While editing your blog post in the block editor, select your template under the Featured Image section of the Post settings in the right sidebar.
  3. Use your template as is, or bring some minor changes.
  4. Click the preview button, and if you are satisfied, click the "Generate featured image" button.
  5. That's it ! your image has been generated and inserted as the new featured image. Don't forget to save your post !

Can I design a Featured Image from scratch when editing a post ?

Yes ! Select the Blank template and customize it directly within the Gutenberg editor. Save your changes, Preview & Generate !

How many layers can I use in my templates ?

In the free version of the plugin, you can use up to 2 layers + the background.

Can I use the post title in my featured image ?

Yes, absolutely ! You can choose from many dynamic text content such as post title, post category, date, author, etc...

Can I customize the font / color / size of my texts ?

Yes, you customize pretty much all of the basic text settings such as color, placement, font size, font family etc. However, Google Fonts are only available in the Pro version of the plugin.


1.0.6 1.0.5 1.0.4 1.0.3 1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0.0