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Smooth Locations

更新时间 2013年6月12日 23:24
PHP版本: 3.5.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.5.1
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


google maps geolocation locations


1.0 1.1


This plugin can be used to list locations. It adds a custom post type for locations, which can be manipulated via the admin panel. The locations can be displayed on a map and in a table. In addition, a search field can be added that allows users to search for relevant locations. The functionality is added to a page or post via shortcodes: The settings can be configured by passing attributes to the shortcodes, like so: [smooth-location-map width="500px" height="300px" ...more attributes] None of the attributes are required. The following attributes are available: The same functionality is available via do_action() calls with the same name as the shortcode. In addition, the following filters are available to modify the HTML output, if necessary:


  1. Upload the smooth-locations directory to /wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Place the relevant shortcodes on your posts/pages:
  4. [smooth-location-search]
  5. [smooth-location-map]
  6. [smooth-location-table]
  7. Add your locations in the admin panel under 'Locations' Alternatively, place the relevant do_action() calls in your theme/plugin.


How do I change the center of the map?

Set the "center" attribute for the smooth-location-map shortcode: [smooth-location-map center="37.752530,-122.447777"]

How do I enable geolocation?

Set the "geolocation" attribute for the smooth-location-map shortcode: [smooth-location-map geolocation="true"]

How do I change the width and height?

Set the "width" and "height" attributes for the smooth-location-map shortcode.

How do I change the map type?

Set the "maptype" attribute for the smooth-location-map shortcode. You can choose from the following types:


How do I change the placeholder for the search field?

Set the "placeholder" attribute for the smooth-location-search shortcode.

Can you extend this plugin to do X?

Yes we can, send us an e-mail.


1.1 1.0