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SmugMug Responsive Slider

开发者 mgyura
更新时间 2016年12月16日 23:59
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.4
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


images responsive slider pictures SmugMug smug mug




Using FlexSlider and phpSmug, this plugin allows you to drop in an image gallery from your SmugMug account to any post or page, either as a responsive slider or thumbnails. It includes a shortcode generator and options panel. [vimeo]


  1. Place the 'pyd-smugmug_slider' folder in your '/wp-content/plugins/' directory.
  2. Activate SmugMug Responsive Slider.
  3. Visit 'Settings > SmugMug Slider' and link to your SmugMug account.
  4. Change the setting to fit your needs.
  5. Create or edit a page/post and use the add media > SmugMug tab to select your gallery.


  • **Responsive Slider** - SmugMug Responsive Slider can be put on any page or post with the shortcode generator.  It will resize the gallery to fit your screen size.
  • **Thumbnail Gallery** - In addition to the slider, a thumbnail gallery can be placed on a page or a post.
  • **Settings Screen** - The settings allow you to filter the galleries by category as well as set some default parameters for the slider.
  • **Shortcode Generator** - No need to remember the shortcode.  Just select the SmugMug options tab in the upload/insert media area and select your options.


  • Minor CSS issue for some users with images bleeding over the container.
1.05 Fixed conflicts with other SmugMug plugins using phpsmug 1.04 New link selection that allows your users to buy photos. bug fixes 1.03 Activation and class name bug fix. 1.02 Bug fix. Minor issue with a print_r line left in final version. This update deletes the code. 1.01 First tested release.


Do I need a SmugMug account?

Yes. This plugin pulls in from the photos you upload to your SMugMug account.

Will this work with another photo service

No. There are many great plugins that work with other photo services. Our aim is to give SmugMug photo users a way to tie in their favorite photos to WordPress

Where can I get more help or offer suggestions

Visit the plugin website


1.06 1.05 1.04 1.03 1.02 *Bug fix. Deletion of print_r line that was left in for debugging. 1.01