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Snap Shots(TM) Integrator

开发者 Ajay D'Souza
更新时间 2008年9月19日 00:44


plugin links search WordPress thumbnail snap Snap Shots




  1. Signup for Snap Shots at and generate the necessary JavaScript code. In the code you will find a 32-character parameter in the src tag of the javascript. This will be needed for configuring the display.
  2. Download Snap Shots(TM) Integrator.
  3. Extract the contents of to wp-content/plugins/ folder. You should get a folder called snap-shots.
  4. Activate the Plugin in WP-Admin.
  5. Goto Settings > Snap Shots and enter the 32-character code you obtained in Step 1.
  6. You can configure the plugin to automatically add the code to wp_footer() (This needs to be present in your theme). Alternatively add <?php do_action('echo_ssi'); ?> just before the .