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Snippets SE

开发者 Matt Vona
更新时间 2016年9月1日 02:07
PHP版本: 4 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.6
版权: GPLv2


content custom replace variables



The Snippets SE WordPress plugin allows you to create variables that render as different text on your site. You could use {{phone}} to display your company\'s phone number across your site, and only have to change it in 1 place. Make your own variables and customize them to do things! Check out the github repo for more information.


Download and activate the plugin. A snippets admin menu will appear. Create, edit, organize, and manage your snippets. The title is the variable word, and the content is what it outputs when you place that word within two curly brackets: like {{this}} anywhere on your pages: *Advanced: * You can use the function snippetsse_scanVar for your own functions by adding a filter, like so: add_filter(\'the_content\', \'snippetsse_scanVar\');


Current Version: v1.0.2