Linux 软件免费装 code embed plugin

开发者 cafespain
更新时间 2009年3月10日 21:42
PHP版本: 2.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.7.1


post posts page code TinyMCE snipt


0.2 0.1

详情介绍: is a free code hosting site that allows you easily store, share and embed code samples and "snipts". already provides a method of embedding your code within a site or blog post, but this requires the user to paste a Javascript script tag within the post or page content in the HTML editor. Once you switch to the Visual editor, you can no see the location of your embedded script within the content. This plugin allows you to add the embed code with the click of a button and highlights the code location in both the HTML and Visual editors.


Installation is easy.
  1. Upload the snipt directory and it's contents to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Sign up for a account if you haven't already.
  4. Click on the snipt button when you want to embed some code, and paste in the embed script when requested.


Do I need a account

I'm afraid so.

How do I get the embed code for my snipt

On the website, underneath the bit of code you want to embed you will see an "embed" link. Click on this and copy the html provided to your clipbooard. Next, click on the snipt button in your WordPress editor and paste in the html you just copied. The plugin will decipher the html and set up the embedding for you.