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Social Media Widget

开发者 superheroplugins
更新时间 2016年6月6日 07:03
PHP版本: 3.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.5.2
版权: GplV2


google widget sidebar social share social icon social widget twitter widget sidebar widget facebook widget social media widget



Easily create beautiful social media link with the install of this plugin.This widget takes a simple, extendable approach for displaying your social media icons on your sites sidebar. Add links to your social media and sharing site with social media widget icon plugin . Choose from the most used social media network\ Providing you the top 5 and most used social networks in the world to display on your site uniquely with style, Social Share Icons with 20+ Deifferent Designs Social Media widget Icons provides uniquely identified social icon's themes with animation for every theme to select from for social media widget icons Display your social button with clean designed icons We know that showing your social icon buttons means something to you, that's why we provide social icon themes for you to select from to display icons with style Social media widget which let's you add icons for
  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Google+
  4. Linkedin
  5. Pinterest
Live Preview Social media widget icon plugin is simple to customize, directly inside of your live WordPress website. Install the social media widget plugin , Then open widgets from your site dashboard. Find widget for social media icon plugin. See your changes in real time, on your actual site. No need to ever leave the page. Just edit and save right in social media widget. Mobile Responsive Mobile traffic matters. And successful sites need to be mobile responsive to keep up.Social media widget plugin is optimized to function beautifully on almost any device. So you can spend less time worrying about how people are searching your site, and more about what they\'ll discover. Customer Support It's a tough world out there, but you don't need to go it alone. Social media widget customer support team is made up of top notch people, working hard to insure you get the help you need. Our full Knowledge Base is available 24/7. Additionally, there\'s great email support available any time, We are here to help you!


Install social media widget plugin via wordpress dashboard
  1. Go to the Plugins Menu in WordPress
  2. Search for plugin Social Media Widget
  3. Click "Install"
  4. After Installation click activate to start using the Social Media Widget on your website
  5. Go to widget from Dashboard menu
  6. Find Social Media Widget and use it on your sidebar or footer or content bottom
Install social media widget plugin via FTP
  1. Download the social media widget plugin
  2. Unzip social media widget plugin
  3. Copy the social media widget folder
  4. Open the ftp \wp-content\plugins\
  5. Paste the folder inside plug-ins folder
  6. Go to admin panel => open item \\"Plugins\\" => activate social media widget


not yet


not yet