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Social News Center

开发者 pgowling
更新时间 2017年7月11日 23:04
PHP版本: 4.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.8
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


social networks facebook social media twitter instagram display posts social news social posts display photos display tweets


0.0.2 0.0.3 0.0.4 0.0.5 0.0.6 0.0.7 0.0.8 0.0.1


Social News Center plugin displays the latest posts from social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram & Twitter for specified pages & accounts. Page and account profiles can also be viewed together with support for performing actions such as Like, Share, Favorite, Retweet and more. Posts are displayed in item boxes which are sorted in date descending order based upon when they were posted, shared, or re-posted. The boxes are dynamically laid out within the web page based upon the width of the browser or section of the web page. The layout works on PC's, tablets and smartphones alike automatically adjusting to the browser or screensize. Each item box contains the following information about a post: Note: most buttons within the Footer will show if they have already been used by the current user assuming this information is made available from the relevant social media network. This plugin caches results from calls to social media networks in order to improve overall page load times and to better utilize the quotas placed on developer API keys. When a web site user logs in the plugin will where possible use the user's quota leaving the development quota as backup for those who do not login.


This section describes how to install this plugin and get it working. Steps:
  1. Log into WordPress and access 'Plugins -> Add New' menu option via Dashboard.
  2. Upload file '' via 'Upload Plugins' menu option.
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu.
  4. Configure plugin settings via 'Social News Center' menu option within Dashboard. Each social media network will need configuring to access the relevant API (see 'Admin Settings' section within 'readme.txt' file).
  5. Add [sncSocialMediaPosts] shortcode on Page(s) and/or Post(s) on which social media posts are to be displayed.


  • Page showing Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts using the 'neutral' layout style. Individual boxes will dynamically rearrange according to the width of the browser or if the web page is viewed on a tablet or smartphone. Note: Login & Logout buttons default to the style of the installed WordPress theme.
  • Image displayed within a popup after clicking on the thumbnail or link within a post. Click the 'X' or background to close the popup, also pressing the ESC key will close the popup.
  • Video media (e.g. Amazon Video, YouTube etc) are playable within a popup after clicking on the link.
  • Tweets from Twitter displayed within a popup after clicking on a #HashTag link.
  • An individual Facebook post displayed together with some of the latest comments within a popup after clicking the 'view post' link.
  • A Facebook profile displayed within a popup after clicking on the account name in the header of a post.
  • An individual Instagram post displayed together with some of the latest comments within a popup after clicking the 'view post' link.
  • An Instagram profile displayed within a popup after clicking on the account name in the header of a post.
  • A Twitter profile displayed within a popup after clicking on the account name or username in the header of a post.
  • Adding the shortcode for the plugin to a WordPress page using the 'Text' mode to avoid HTML formatting being added and causing potential problems.
  • Editing the 主要 settings section for the plugin. This screen is accessible via the Dashboard menu option 'Social News Center'.
  • Editing the Facebook & Instagram settings for the plugin. This screen is accessible via the Dashboard menu option 'Social News Center'.
  • Editing the Twitter settings for the plugin. This screen is accessible via the Dashboard menu option 'Social News Center'.
  • Page displaying Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts using the 'white' layout style.
  • Page displaying Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts using the 'black' layout style.
  • Page displaying Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts using the 'red' layout style.
  • Page displaying Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts using the 'green' layout style.
  • Page displaying Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts using the 'blue' layout style.




Which social media networks are supported?

Currently Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are supported with more being added in due course.

Why should users login to social media networks?

Some Facebook pages and Instagram & Twitter accounts have restricted content which will not be displayed unless site visitors are logged into those respective social media networks. Note: login is required via the Social News Center 'login' buttons i.e. being logged into the respective social media network within the same browser is not sufficient.

Does the plugin display posts from any social media accounts?

Posts can be displayed from your personal accounts, your organization's accounts, or any unprotected/public accounts on the respective social media networks.


0.0.8 0.0.7 0.0.6 0.0.5 0.0.4 0.0.3 0.0.2 0.0.1