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Social Profile

开发者 avothemes
更新时间 2017年3月30日 04:02
PHP版本: 4.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.7.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


profile social media twitter user profile twitter profile


1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2


The plugin allows you to display beautiful Twitter profiles by using shortcode. You just need to provide Twitter username(s) and the plugin will make the rest. The plugin utilizes Twitter API to get the following data: All results are being cached for 4-8 hours. The Plugin uses Twitter API library which is available on Github


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/social-profile directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.
  3. Configure Twitter API Settings using "Connect to Twitter" link in "Plugins" section.
  4. You can now use [twitter_profile] shortcode with "users" atrribute.
Display single profile: [twitter_profile users="youtube"] Display multiple profiles: [twitter_profile users="youtube,twitter,instagram,cristiano,kingjames,google,facebook"]


  • Twitter profiles displayed using [twitter_profile] shortcode


How to configure Twitter API?

Go to 'Plugins' screen in WordPress, find "Social Profile" plugin and click "Connect to Twitter" link.

Where to find Twitter OAuth credentials

Visit Application Management page on Twitter and click "Create New App" button. On the next screen provide only "Name", "Description" and "Website" - leave empty "Callback URL" field.

How to display single Twitter profile?

Use [twitter_profile] shortcode with Twitter username passed in "users" attribute. 如: [twitter_profile users="youtube"]

How to display multiple Twitter profiles?

Use [twitter_profile] shortcode with Twitter usernames passed in "users" attribute, separated by comma. Example: [twitter_profile users="youtube,google,facebook"]


1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0.0