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Social Share And Social Locker - ARSocial

开发者 reputeinfosystems
更新时间 2024年12月21日 20:46
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


social social network share social share social counter social icon social media share facebook share social sharing linkedin share pinterest share share button tumblr share facebook login locker social locker facebook sharing twitter login whatsapp share social sign-in google plus share social like fan counter whatsapp sharing linkedin sharing digg share Delicious share vk share vkontakte share instagram like


1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.0.1 1.4.1 1.4.2


Social Share And Social Locker - ARSocial is all in one social sharing plugin, It is combination of four different plugins Social Share, Social Like / Follow / Subscribe, Social Content Locker and Social Fan Counter. Why install numerous separate plugins for your social sharing requirement when you can have them all with just ONE plugin. which is easy to set up, configure and maintain. ARSocial provides facility of placing social network buttons at section wise, site wide as well as with shortcode. It is very easy to add social share buttons in your site With ARsocial - Social Share And Social Locker. Nowadays there are two main type of functionality which every site has to boost social traffic which are Social share buttons and social content locker where user need to click share/like to reveal page content. You can achieve both the features in ARSocial in efficient manner. Choose any social network (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, LinkdIn etc.) among 40+ social media networks, Select any button location, Select button template and save the settings. That's it. Your website is ready to share your content with most popular social networks and get advantage in form of increased traffic on your website. Social Share And Social Locker - ARSocial Features(Free Version) Watch Social Share And Social Locker video   [youtube]   ARSocial Premium Version View some sample of social share buttons of ARSocial. Check out ARSocial Premium ARSocial Premium version comes with the following features. Check out ARSocial Premium View ARSocial Premium Live Demo ARSocial provides more than 40 most popular social networks including mobile networks in premium version. ARSocial provides various display positions and mobile display settings with Footer Bar, Share points to display as additional position for mobile sites. ARSocial can propel you through up to 40 networks at the click of a button ensuring the maximum possible visibility and viral growth and popularity. This feature has the ability to build your brand overnight by sheer connectivity. ARSocial is compatible with woocommerce, cornerstone and Visual Composer. Social Share ARSocial allows you to easily share your website content with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Delicious, Tumblr, Digg, Buffer (Many more in PRO version ) quickly with realtime counter. ARSocial provides various attractive themes, effects, display positions and mobile display settings for social share buttons. ARSocial allows to display social share buttons at Top / Bottom Bar, Popup, Sidebar with number of styling options. ARSocial also allows to hide particular display positions at mobile sites and provides additional positions for only mobile sites. Social Content Locker This function comes with multiple options for locking as well as multiple effects to hide content. It is supported by 4 different networks and covers like/share and sign in. This comes in handy when you have material that you do not want shared, but only visited and experience by those who visit the site. This will protect your sensitive information on certain pages, while allowing sharing on others. The customization is particularly important when the competition is very aggressive. ARSocial allows to protect content of page/post with two different types of locker :
  1. Social like & Social Share which asks users to 'Unlock with a like' or share to unlock content.
  2. Social sign-in which locks the content until the user signs in through social networks.
Social Like Integrate like/follow/subscribe buttons of most popular social networks with native buttons facility. ARSocial provides 12 social networks for social like. ARSocial allows to load native buttons for like / follow / subscribe with various themes and effects. ARSocial allows to load native buttons for social like, follow and subscribe to load fast with different themes. Social Fan Counter Display fan counters of most popular social networks profiles with beautiful built-in templates. ARSocial supports 17 social networks for social fan counters. ARSocial provides various attractive themes, display positions and mobile display settings for social fan counters. OTHER FEATURES YOU WILL LOVE WITH ARSOCIAL PLUGIN No Need to Register Anywhere No Middle Layer Absolutely Simple Mobile Responsiveness Optimal Loading time Lightweight Code Shorten URLs Built-in Analytics Cornerstone Support Woocommerce Support Visual Composer Compatible CSS3 based icons Mobile Display Position Clean Documentation


How to install the ARSocial Plugin There are 2 ways to install ARSocial. Please follow below steps for ARSocial installation: VIA WordPress
  1. After downloading your plugin from , log into your WordPress admin interface
  2. After loggedin, click on Plugins from the left hand menu
  3. Click on Add new
  4. Click on Upload
  5. Browse to the directory you have downloaded the plugin to and click Install Now
  6. After Wordpress has finished unpacking the file click on Activate Plugin
  7. After the plugin has been activated, you will notice a new menu item on the left hand navigation named ARSocial Lite
  8. Done. Start sharing your site content !
  1. After downloading ARSocial Lite plugin from , unzip file from where you have downloaded
  2. Open your FTP client
  3. Browse to /your_wp_instalation/wp-content/plugins/ on your hosting server
  4. Uplaod ARSocial Lite into this directory
  5. Go to your wordpress admin panel
  6. Go to plugins and activate ARSocial Lite
  7. After the plugin has been activated you will notice a new menu item on the left hand navigation named ARSocial Lite
  8. Done. Start sharing your site content !


  • ARSocial - Social Fan Counter Configuration
  • ARSocial - Social Analytics
  • ARSocial - Social Locker Configuration
  • ARSocial - Social Like Buttons Configuration
  • ARSocial - Social Fan Counter Configuration
  • ARSocial - Social Analytics
  • ARSocial - Social Locker Configuration
  • ARSocial - Social Like Buttons Configuration


  • First release


Does your plugin require any coding knowledge (php, css or html)?

No. You do not need any technical knowledge required. We have given all the setup details in our documentation.

Is your plugin optimized for fast loading ?

Yes, ARSocial is optimized and smartly coded so, all css/js libraries will included on only the page where you enable social buttons.

Where can I find complete documentation of ARSocial?

You can refer complete documentation here

Can I choose on which pages not to display social buttons?

Yes, you can add page ids separated by comma on relevant section to not display social buttons on specific page.


1.4.2 1.4.1 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0.1 1.0