SolidOpinion is a dynamic new commenting platform that can turn an ordinary discussion into a self-moderating community that promotes your content and generates revenue for your site.
The SolidOpinion for WordPress plugin is easy to integrate even if you're not a tech-head. And it has a smart design that adapts to your look and feel.
SolidOpinion for WordPress
- Uses the SolidOpinion API
- Comments indexable by search engines (SEO-friendly)
- Support for importing existing comments
SolidOpinion Features:
- Intuitive and logical organization of comments and replies
- Notifications by email
- Built-in moderation and admin tools
- Robust user-interface
- Multi-likes and dislikes, user ranks and more
- Social-sharing incentives that generate traffic
- Powerful analytics and reporting
- The Social game at the core of SolidOpinion is very flexible - you can create your own system based on our templates
- Personalized support for SolidOpinion users.
- Generate new traffic with powerful social sharing incentives