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Soundy Audio Playlist

开发者 bducouedic
更新时间 2018年8月15日 03:44
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9
版权: GPL2
版权网址: 版权信息


audio music sound posts pages playlist background background music soundtrack background sound background audio


1.1 1.2 1.3 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 1.0


PLUGIN IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED NOR MAINTAINED Soundy Audio Playlist allows any page or post to play and display an audio playlist. This Soundy plugin can be used like its Soundy brother, Soundy Background Music, to have pages or posts playing an audio playlist in the background instead of a single soundtrack. However, this plugin can do much more than this: by means of the [sdy_pl playlist] short code, the playlist can be displayed anywhere in the page content. The page visitors can then interact with this playlist and control their audio playback experience with the following user interface features: Front-End Features The soundtracks are played by means of the HTML 5 audio tag. This way, the plugin is compatible with all modern user devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops of all vendors). An author can have the playlist played by his page without displaying the playlist. He can have the Play/Pause button inserted or not. Or he can have the playlist displayed with its full user interface. Defaults can be set by the administrator in the settings page of the plugin. Specific post and page plugin settings can be configured by the authors in the Edit Page and Edit Post pages. In the plugin settings page, an audio playlist can be set per default. The audio tracks can be anywhere on the web as they are specified with their URLs. They can also be uploaded in the media library of the WP site. A play and pause button image can be uploaded by the administrator to replace the default one and can be positioned anywhere. This Play/Pause button can be positioned in a corner of the document or in a corner of the window. It can also be positioned with a template tag typically in the document header or with a short code in the content. Back-End Features Docs & Support You can find Tutorial, FAQ, Examples and more detailed information about Soundy Audio Playlist plugin on If you were unable to find the answer to your question on the FAQ or in any of the documentation, you should check Soundy's Support Forum on If you can't locate any topics that pertain to your particular issue, post a new topic for it. Soundy Audio Playlist Plugin Home Page:




  • **Play/Pause Button Image Uploads**
  • **Play/Pause Button Designer**
  • **Playlist Soundtracks Management Tool**
  • **Playlist Columns Settings**
  • **Playlist Designer**
  • **Play/Pause Button Image Uploads**
  • **Play/Pause Button Designer**
  • **Playlist Soundtracks Management Tool**
  • **Playlist Columns Settings**


After Upgrade:
  • Please clear cache.
  • Please go to plugin settings page and click on Save Changes button.


General Questions

  1. Is it possible to have different playlists for different posts and pages ? Yes, the PRO version of the plugin allows authors to set up and maintain playlists on a per post or per page basis.
  2. What kind of audio files can be used with Soundy Plugin ?\ The audio files must be in the format MP3, OGG or WAV.
  3. Is Soundy Plugin compatible with iphone, ipad and smartphones in general ?\ Yes it is, as the plugin uses the HTML5 audio tag. There is just one issue with ipod, iphone and ipad (IOS Operating System): Autoplay option is deactivated by Apple on this operating system.
  4. Is it possible to position the Play/Pause button anywhere in the page or post header ?\ Yes, this can be done with the sdy_pl_button_play_pause() template tag.
  5. Is it possible to position the Play/Pause button anywhere in the content of a page or post ?\ Yes, this can be done with the [sdy_pl button_play_pause] shortcode.
  6. Is it possible to adapt the Playlist look & feel to my website ? Yes, you can use Soundy's Playlist Designer as well as CSS to customize the appearance of the playlists.
  7. Is it possible to modify the Play/Pause button look & feel ?\ Yes, you can upload and set up your own button images or you can use Soundy's Play/Pause Button Designer.
  8. Can I really put my audio files anywhere on the web ?\ Yes, you can put your audio files anywhere on any cloud or website, except one place: you should not put your audio files in the soundy-audio-playlist plugin directory (or below). If you do, you will loose your files the next time you will install a new version of Soundy. The update process deletes this folder and replaces it with a new one. If you want to store the audio files on your WordPress site, the best place to do so is the media library (/wp-content/uploads/...).

Support Questions

  1. After an update of Soundy, my soundtracks are not played anymore and my custom Play/Pause button images are broken. What happened ? As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the reason might be that you had uploaded your audio files and button images under the soundy-audio-playlist plugin directory. This directory is erased and replaced at each update. Do not add any file in it. Again, the prefered location for such files is the WordPress media library.
  2. Is it advised to put my audio files on a separate storage cloud ? Yes it is, especially if you have a lot of traffic on your website. Putting your audio files on a separate storage cloud will release the load on your website and improve page load response time in your visitor's browsers. There is a lot of Cloud Storage Providers out there. Here is a list of such providers: Audio Hostings - free audio hosting sites. Your hosting provider might also offer cloud storage.
  3. On WP front-end, Soundy's Play/Pause button does not respond correctly. What's the problem ? Soundy needs jQuery 1.10.2 which is the default jQuery library of the last versions of WordPress. However some themes load their own jQuery library. If this library is not up-to-date, Soundy's Play/Pause button gets into troubles. Using WordPress Default jQuery library is actually what Soundy does and this is what your theme also should do instead of loading its own old jQuery version.
  4. I get a PHP parsing error when activating the plugin. What's the problem ? Soundy needs PHP 5.3 or a higher version. If your PHP parser is not up-to-date, Soundy gets into troubles. PHP 5.3.0 has been released in June 2009. Today’s version is 5.5.12. (sources: PHP Releases).
  5. The handles of the volume slider and the time slider are vertically not correctly centered. What can I do to fix this ? You can modify the value of the CSS variable margin-top of the CSS styles war_sdy_pl_playlist_volume_slider and war_sdy_pl_playlist_time_slider defined in the file plugin-dir/css/style-playlist.css on lines 222 and 290. The variable margin-top accepts negative values.


4.6    -    May 9th, 2017 4.5    -    April 1st, 2017 4.4    -    March 30th, 2017 4.3    -    March 28th, 2017 4.2    -    March 27th, 2017 4.1    -    March 22nd, 2017 4.0    -    March 14th, 2017 3.8    -    January 16th, 2017 3.7    -    November 12th, 2016 3.6    -    October 7th, 2016 3.5    -    August 23rd, 2016 3.4    -    August 20th, 2016 3.3    -    August 18th, 2016 3.2    -    August 8th, 2016 3.1    -    June 27th, 2016 3.0    -    June 26th, 2016 2.6    -    March 11th, 2016 2.5    -    September 12th, 2015 2.4    -    September 1st, 2015 2.3    -    January 26th, 2015 2.2    -    January 15th, 2015 2.1    -    January 13th, 2015 2.0    -    January 5th, 2015 1.3    -    December 29th, 2014 1.2    -    December 27th, 2014 1.1    -    December 23rd, 2014 1.0    -    July 15th, 2014