Linux 软件免费装

No Captchas, No Moderation, No Puzzles.

开发者 wpspamhammer
更新时间 2015年7月22日 07:00
PHP版本: 3.0.0 及以上
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


post posts plugin page comments admin spam blocker serviceware fpremium



"My business blog was shut down by Bluehost because the spam attack on my site was compromising their server performance. I installed Spam Hammer and from the moment I turned it on until now, 2 days later I have received none of the 2,300+ spam messages sent at my site and everything is running smoothly."
Install It Now or "Do It For Me"
Smashes Spam Comments, Trackbacks, & Registrations (and anything else, with the Tailor add-on) in 31 Languages APRIL 2015: I now 100% pay for all of your sites, even if they are commercial. Meaning, you can now use Spam Hammer at no charge.
What if... you woke up in the morning, logged into your website, check for email notifications... and spam wasn't there. What if, you could see real comments, real content, real signups... real activity... not endless pages of spam. What if you had more time in your day, to focus on getting more traffic. More time to sharpen your search engine rankings. What if your website wasn't under the threat of being terminated instantly without any warning, for no apparent reason. What if you didn't miss opportunities for website growth, because you were too busy trying to catch up to Spammers. What if you didn't have to worry about babysitting new content for eternity, afraid that most of it is spam.
Yes, Most Anti-spam Is Garbage
Most WordPress anti-spam tools, both built in and third party, are impotent, you know this from personal experience. Most make your real, interested traffic jump through hoops to share content on your site, stealing your natural growth. Most simply don't work, are complex, made by unreliable coders, and waste your time as you shuffle through them. About two years ago in my software consultancy, at the request of a client, I made an anti-spam plugin. It was simple and effective; so effective, that my client asked me to release the plugin to the public, and I obliged. Things were going well for many months, until Spammers saw the plugin and reverse-engineered it. It was time to fight back.
Fighting Back
With the help of some clients, I launched a premium cloud version that was completely immune to reverse engineering. I then worked to make it invisible to end-users, lightning fast, able of protect every form, not just comments and registrations. My clients were raving about it, and it was up to $97/yr to use. I now 100% pay for your 1st website, even if it's commercial.
See what others say
A few months ago, the owner of a spam network sent me an email with curses in broken English. I was hurting their business. I then realized that the best way to deal with Spammers isn't to defend against them. It's better to attack them. Not by attacking them back with Spam, but by attacking their wallets. That is the philosophy Spam Hammer is built upon. Starting from 4.1.2 onwards, WooCommerce, Contact Form 7 and Gravity Forms compatibility is built in without the Tailor add-on.
Michael D. says: "After I went to the nuclear side of advanced global combat, it fixed the problem! My administrator was threatening to pull my site down, etc., until the problem was resolved, but going nuclear fixed the problem and have had ZERO spam filter issues." Teresa Y. says: "Thank you for the email. I haven't had any new spam posts in the 3 days! I was getting about 30 a day. Thank you!" Mike R. says: "Spam "hammer" is exactly the right name. I have gotten any since I installed it - fricken awesome dude." Emilie says: "It seems to be working quite well, thanks!" Vahid S. says: "It's really working and make me free from spammers. Thanks for your supporting." Nick T. says: "It is working very well thank you!! Really happy with it. Keep up the good work!" Stephen C. says: "It's working great! Very pleased." Joe W. says: "Its going great i had a spam attack 3 months ago and i used a trial of i different that was ok then i used yours and its great." Eva J. says: "I was being attacked in a intermittent manner, I had plenty of spam messages in a day; now 1 week without spam." Adrien S. says: "I had 100 spam messages the other day, and after installing Spam Hammer ... zero. That happens to be the same number of real comments, but that just means I need to work on my blogging skills, ha ha!" Ian D. says: "I have seen no new spam comments since I installed it. I was recieving lots of them even though I set WP to no comments. Has not affected site negatively. I'll keep you posted. Thank you." Ted says: "It works very well, it blocked more than 57 in the past 30 hours." Jane says: "It's working great! Thank you!" Chance W. says: "Thus far seems to be getting rid of spam i was experiencing before." Paolo M. says: "I can't believe what I see... No spam, not one spam email from when I mounted this plugin... Is it a dream?..." Sebby says: "I don't think I've seen a spam sign up in a few days. :o :)" Chris B. says: "My business blog was shut down by Bluehost because the spam attack on my site was compromising their server performance. I installed Spam Hammer and from the moment I turned it on until now, 2 days later, I have received none of the 2,300+ spam messages sent at my site and everything is running smoothly." Denise M. says: "The first night installed, my spam comments dropped to 0." Robyn H. says: "Its lovely. Finally not getting any spam!" Don Y. says: "Works well. This is the third one I've tried and first one that's worked. I have zero spam comments when I used to get sometimes dozens a day." Chris says: "Spam Hammer has made my life easier. I no longer have to approve 100 members over night, and the false positives are kept to a minimal. I highly recommend installing this addon if you value your sanity." Mick says: "Since installing the this mod my level of protection has increased amazingly and I have to say my once tired moderators are thinking I'm god....NO Steve you are mate! Best thing ever and he just keeps giving, once you are onboard it seems the support is unfailing; Spam Attack Preventions: 105,567 Unique Spambots Today 8, Week: 8, Month: 1,585, Year: 7,469 Been working great for me" Jessi says: "Before Spam Hammer, my blog/website was becoming overrun with spam comments. I couldn't get anything done because I had 500+ comments to go through & moderate every time I logged on to my site . I tried everything, captcha, math equations, every plugin I could find to relieve some of the spam, and NOTHING helped. The day I tried Spam Hammer, everything changed, it was amazing so easy to use and exceptional at getting through the spam. I LOVE logging on to seeing the massive number of blocked spam attempts, as well as the chart of how many attempts per hour." Phil says: "Ive reclaimed at least an hour of my life every day since installing the spamhammer plugin. Spammers have been nearly 100% eliminated where they are not even making it into the queue to be released. Highly recommended if your having trouble with spammers." Tony D. says: "Work perfect, no spam till now and it really save my time. already Spambot Blocks: 34 (1days) i set up my Countdown to 19' i have been blocking : BANGLADESH , BELARUS, CHINA, INDIA, KAZAKHSTAN, PAKISTAN, RUSSIAN FEDERATION,TAIWAN,and UKRAINE great plug ing" Anders M. says: "Hammer 3-Series is working very well. Before I installed this amazing plugin I got lots of spam and now not a single one, so I will definitely buy this one for my site when trial is over." Jeff S. says: "It's working great." Jim L. says: "It is hammering away! I have had around 8-10 alerts since I've installed it." Rick H. says: "Spam Attack Preventions: 18295 Unique Spambots Today: 15, Week: 362, Month: 597, Year: 597" Vladmir D. says: "things are looking good. Spammer signups are down, very solid product all in all!" Jasmit B. says: "the mod is working great and yes now I can say....SPAMMERS SUCK...." Mark B. says: "I went and pulled this from my stats (from running for about week & a half with SpamHammer 3 platinum): Spambot Blocks: 31105"


  1. Unzip
  2. Upload the spam-hammer folder (the folder itself, NOT it's contents) to the /wp-content/plugins directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the Admin Controls under Plugins > Installed Plugins.


4.1.5 4.1.4 4.1.3 4.1.2 4.1.1 4.1 4.0.2 4.0.1 4.0 3.9.8 3.9.7