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Sparkle 2CO Digital Payment Lite

开发者 sparklewpthemes
更新时间 2023年4月2日 16:55
PHP版本: 5.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


2co 2checkout payment woo payment woo gateway 2checkout payment 2co payment edd gateway edd payment


1.0.1 1.0.0 1.0.2 1.0.3


Use 2checkout Payment Gateway for your potential customers and take your eCommerce platform to next level. Our plugin is an Add-on for Easy Digital Downloads(EDD) and for WooCommerce. To make our plugin work you need to have either Easy Digital Downloads(EDD) or WooCommerce installed and activated. Or any one plugin should be activated and installed. This plugin adds the 2checkout payment gateway to both EDD and WooCommerce. Allow your customers to pay using 2checkout in your website. Our plugin supports IPN(Instant Payment Notification) for the automatic after payment process. Please Note: This is not a standalone software, this is an addon and you will need to have latest version of EDD or WooCommerce or both installed and activated to use this payment gateway. Before using this add-on, you must make sure that you are able to use the services of 2Checkout(For your country and for your website). 2checkout test card detail Pro Plugin Demo


  1. Download the plugin zip file from your purchase.
  2. Unzip the plugin zip file.
  3. Go to WordPress Dashboard.
  4. Go to plugin section and Click on 'Add New' sub menu.
  5. Now click on 'Upload plugin'. A file uploader field will appear. Click on choose file and select the plugin zip file.
  6. After that click on 'Install Now' Button.
  7. After successful plugin installation. Click on 'Activate Plugin'. The plugin will be activated.


  • Checkout - WOO
  • Standard Checkout showing
  • Gateway settings - EDD
  • Gateway settings - WOO
  • Checkout - EDD
  • Checkout - WOO
  • Standard Checkout showing
  • Gateway settings - EDD
  • Gateway settings - WOO


There is an update available for the Sparkle 2CO Digital Payment Lite Plugin. Please update to receive new updates and bug fixes.


What does this plugin do?

This plugin provides the 2Checkout payment gateway to your customers for Easy Digital Downloads and WooCommerce.

Do I need to configure the plugin?

Yes, you will need to do minimal configure of the plugin to make the plugin work. You need to configure Merchant Code, Secret Key, Buy Link Secret Word and IPN & INS URL to make the 2checkout payment gateway work.
