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Sphere Related Content

开发者 Watershed Studio LLC
Matthias Bauer
更新时间 2008年4月13日 12:43


Related Content Sphere SphereIt Widget




By installing the Sphere Related Content plugin you agree to the Sphere Related Content Terms of Service listed here:
  1. Copy the file sphere-related-content.php into your plugins directory (wp-content/plugins/).
  2. Login to your WordPress Admin Panel
  3. Go to the Plugins tab
  4. Activate the Sphere Related Content Widget plugin. (Click Activate in the right column).
Now, the Sphere link will be inserted at the bottom of all posts longer than 30 words. For most blogs, this works just peachy and you're done. If you're an advanced user and want to customize the behavior and look/placement of the link, read on. 1. You can now change the type/theme of the Sphere Related Content plugin. In the admin, click on the "Plugins" menu and then click on the "Sphere Configuration" sub-menu for details and to change your widget type. If you're in doubt about which type to use, stick with Classic.\ More types coming soon. When you change a type, reload one of your pages and click on the Sphere Related Content link to see the widget type you selected. 1. The default behavior is to place the Sphere link automatically within a tag at the end of posts that have more than a minimum length. You can modify the plugin's sphere-related-content.php file to change that behavior. There are instructions in that file, but here are the basics: If you NEVER want Sphere links inserted automatically, or if you want to decide where to place the link, rather than having it appended to your posts automatically, then set $auto_sphereit to FALSE below and follow the instructions in the readme to customize the look and placement of the link. If you want Sphere links inserted into ALL of your posts, then set $sphereit_threshold to FALSE below. You can always force a Sphere link to be inserted by including <!--sphereit--> in the text of a post. You can force a Sphere link NOT to be inserted by including <!--nosphereit--> in the text of your post. If you're not sure what to do, leave the settings below at their default value. 1. You can always force a Sphere link to be inserted into a post by putting <!--sphereit--> anywhere into the post's text. That comment will not be displayed, but will force a Sphere link to be inserted for that post. 1. Conversely, You can keep a Sphere link from being inserted in a post by adding <!--nosphereit--> to that post. Again, this marker will not be displayed, but will prevent a Sphere link from being shown for that post. 1. If you want to override the default placement of the link, you should: i) Turn off $auto_sphereit by setting $auto_sphereit = FALSE; in sphere-related-content.php (search for auto_sphereit to find that line). ii) Put this tag anywhere with in a post context (either in your index, archive or single post templates): <?= get_sphereit_link( get_permalink(), $post->post_content ) ?> If you want to wrap a block-level element around the Sphere link you can do something like this: <?= (enableSphereItLink($post->post_content) ? '<p class="sphere">'.get_sphereit_link(get_permalink(), $post->post_content).'</p>' : '') ?> The enableSphereItLink() check makes sure that your tags are only gong to show up if the Sphere link is turned on for that post, as decided by the length of your post or your overrides. If you're doing your own block-level element like this, you'll want to define stules for in your CSS template, e.g. .sphere { padding: 10px; margin: 10px; border-left: 2px solid red; } Note these styles are an example only, you can go crazy with the styles and make it look just so in your blog. That's it, you're ready to discover Sphere Related Content. Automatically.