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Sphider for WordPress

开发者 vizioninteractive
Ando Saabas
更新时间 2009年10月2日 05:53
PHP版本: 2.7 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.7.1


search suggest engine index spider sphider

下载 1.3.4


This plugin contains a modified version of Sphider, furthermore the version of this plugin is based on the version of Sphider that has been integrated with. For Sphider bugs, please see the Official Sphider website. If you've determined that it's a WordPress related bug, let us know by posting a question in the WordPress support forums! Why did we create this plugin? Vizion Interactive is a Search Engine Optimization company and we believe that site-based search is very important. It can provide insight as to which keywords you could target, as well as determine if your visitors are finding what they are looking for as they browse your website. If you are able to get this plugin to work on WordPress versions earlier than 2.7, let us know by contacting us through our website About Sphider Sphider is a popular open-source web spider and search engine. It includes an automated crawler, which can follow links found on a site, and an indexer which builds an index of all the search terms found in the pages. It is written in PHP and uses MySQL as its back end database (requires version 4 or above for both). Features WordPress Integration - Only available from Sphider for WordPress Spidering and Indexing Searching Administering


  1. Unpack the entire contents of this plugin zip file into your wp-content/plugins/ folder locally
  2. Upload to your site
  3. Navigate to wp-admin/plugins.php on your site (your WP plugin page)
  4. Activate this plugin
  5. Now Sphider will be located under the Tools menu, simply go there and start Sphidering!
OR you can just install it with WordPress by going to Plugins >> Add New >> and type Sphider