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Spin 360 deg and 3D Model Viewer

开发者 maui2wp
更新时间 2022年7月14日 05:37
PHP版本: 4.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.0
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


360 360 product view 360 product rotation 360 product viewer 3d product viewer 3d 3d viewer 360 deg viewer 3D model viewer 3d model display 3D Model Viewer WordPress



A featured plugin to add 360 degrees and 3d animate view in wordpress using shortcodes Responsive Web Design Displays 3D model on wordPress page, post, or custom page 3D model Rotation enabled Based on a sequence of images (jpg or png) to animate and display the product Transparency available for png images Zoom option (best viewed on fullscreen) Images can be generated with Blender animation Photography turntable ready Looking for a 3D model (obj, stl, wrl, fbx format) full rotation & zoom plugin? Try the Vrm360 wordpress 3D plugin Demo Live Demo 3D Sample 3D project User Case Gallery User Case e-commerce Download Wordpress Plugin page: wordpress plugins spin360 page GitHub Wordpress Plugin: jQuery plugin page: Live Demo 3D Plugin Features


  1. Upload the plugin files to the your_wordpress_plugins_dir/spin360 directory, or Install as a regular WordPress plugin
  2. Go your Plugins page via WordPress Dashboard and activate it
  3. Use these shortcodes to post or page
[spin360 canvas_name="s1" imgs_folder="my_product/" imgs_nbr=100 aspect_ratio=1.33333 speed=1.0 loop=true] [spin360 canvas_name="s1" imgs_folder="spin360demo/" imgs_nbr=48 aspect_ratio=1.33333] [spin360 canvas_name="s1" imgs_folder="spin360demo/" imgs_nbr=100 autostart=false gesture=vertical] [spin360 canvas_name="s1" imgs_folder="spin360demo/" imgs_nbr=36 hide_cmds=all] defaults: canvas_name="s1", aspect_ratio=1.33333, speed=-1.0, loop=true hide_cmds=zoom,fullscreen Be sure to use the HTML editor when inserting shortcodes! check that your Quotation marks are exactly the correct symbol (Alt 34) 1. Use jpg or png image files to display your model as a dynamic sequence; Name your images as following: 0001.jpg, 0002.jpg, ..., 0048.jpg (4 digits name) for png as following: 0001.png, 0002.png, ..., 0048.png (4 digits name) and add img_type=png to your shortcode NB .jpg or .png extension MUST be lowercase [spin360 canvas_name="s1" imgs_folder="spin360demo/" imgs_nbr=36 img_type=png] for 3D models the image sequence can be generated using Blender turntable animation upload your project image files in a your_wordpress_uploads_dir/spin360show subfolder (i.e "your_wordpress_uploads_dir/spin360show/my_product/") via a standard FTP access NB: for multisite add /sites/#blog_id/ to path your_wordpress_uploads_dir/sites/2/spin360show 1. Modify the css style to adapt some features * change css/spin-style.css to change some style aspect 1. click to stop animation, click and hold to drag, double click to restart or invert sense of animation Shortcode Parameters: Note: name your images as following: 0001.jpg, 0002.jpg, ..., 0100.jpg (4 digits name) or for png as following: 0001.png, 0002.png, ..., 0100.png (4 digits name) and add img_type=png to your shortcode Don't mix up jpg with png image types on the same project folder. * speed = any number > 0.1 and < 10; i.e.: 1.5; Negative values will start the animation reversed * aspect_ratio = any number i.e.: 1.3333 for 4/3 aspect ratio * change css/spin-style.css to adapt some style aspect (as loading image or button font color) * loop = true or false (default is true) * autostart = true or false (default is true) auto start the animation on load * gesture = 'horizontal' (default) will make animation on mouse left/right movement; 'vertical' value will make animation on mouse up/dowm movement * hide_cmds = all, fullscreen, reverse, zoom or false (default is false) * button_color = '#00ABFF' (default) HTML color values


  • Screenshot-1.png
  • Screenshot-2.png
  • Screenshot-3.png
  • Screenshot-4.png
  • Screenshot-5.png


  • removed zoom by default
  • buttons color on shortcode
  • autostart option added
  • png and transparency supported
  • CDN full url support
  • multisite support
  • hide_cmds option to hide command buttons
  • loop option for single run
  • removed dbg msg on activation
  • added "ask for support" and "rate this plugin" link
  • click, doubleclick event to handle stop and restart animation
  • onrotation event on fullscreen
  • shortcodes and multiple shows on a single page/post
  • speed parameter (negative values allowed)
  • preloader
  • improved readme
  • fixing server side 'comment bug'


Display 3D model on wordPress page, post, or custom page

3D model Rotation, 360 view enabled, based on image sequences

  • Fully Responsive design; works on mobile devices;
  • click to STOP;
  • click and hold to DRAG;
  • doubleclick to RESTART;
  • speed parameter, loop=true/false, full screen optimization
  • in case you have trouble in FTP your image folders under the folder your_wordpress_uploads_dir/spin360show, check the spin360show folder permissions or just delete it and make a new one
  • for multisite add /sites/#blog_id/ to path your_wordpress_uploads_dir/sites/2/spin360show
  • shortcode support for alternative location of your 360 product images; valuable when you need to host image assets on a dedicated file server or CDN; just place your full folder location path in "imgs_folder" shortcode variable
  • be sure to use the HTML editor when inserting shortcodes
  • to have many spinning images or to resize the image in the page, it is possible to use the shortcode inside i.e. a table and set the cell dimension of the table. That will force the plugin to resize itself to the cell size
  • Check if your Quotation marks are exactly the correct symbol (Alt 34)
  • clear your site cache after a plugin update
  • in case of use of "minify HTML" plugin, don't enable compression for inline scripts


1.2.7 Stable release (zoom removed), autostart, png and transparency allowed, multisite & CDN support support. Click, doubleclick and onrotation event; 1.2.6 Stable release with better zoom resolution, autostart, png and transparency allowed, multisite & CDN support support. Click, doubleclick and onrotation event; shortcode, multiple shows, relative upload folder path, loop option, natural sense of interaction, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen optimization, hide commands and start reversed folder name without slash, subset of font-awesome and ionicons buttons, drag tips and better ajax preloader, 'ask for support' and 'rate this plugin' link, removed dbg msg on activation improved readme, fixing server side comment bug, fixing zoom hide when 'all' is selected 1.2.5 Stable release with zoom option, autostart, png and transparency allowed, multisite & CDN support support. Click, doubleclick and onrotation event; shortcode, multiple shows, relative upload folder path, loop option, natural sense of interaction, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen optimization, hide commands and start reversed folder name without slash, subset of font-awesome and ionicons buttons, drag tips and better ajax preloader, 'ask for support' and 'rate this plugin' link, removed dbg msg on activation improved readme, fixing server side comment bug, fixing zoom hide when 'all' is selected 1.2.1 Stable release with autostart option, png and transparency allowed, multisite & CDN support support. Click, doubleclick and onrotation event; shortcode, multiple shows, relative upload folder path, loop option, natural sense of interaction, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen optimization, hide commands and start reversed folder name without slash, subset of font-awesome and ionicons buttons, drag tips and better ajax preloader, 'ask for support' and 'rate this plugin' link, removed dbg msg on activation improved readme 1.2.0 Stable release with png and transparency allowed, multisite & CDN support support. Click, doubleclick and onrotation event; shortcode, multiple shows, relative upload folder path, loop option, natural sense of interaction, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen optimization, hide commands and start reversed folder name without slash, subset of font-awesome and ionicons buttons, drag tips and better ajax preloader, 'ask for support' and 'rate this plugin' link, removed dbg msg on activation improved readme 1.1.8 Stable release with multisite & CDN support support. Click, doubleclick and onrotation event; shortcode, multiple shows, relative upload folder path, loop option, natural sense of interaction, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen optimization, hide commands and start reversed folder name without slash, subset of font-awesome and ionicons buttons, drag tips and better ajax preloader, 'ask for support' and 'rate this plugin' link, removed dbg msg on activation improved readme 1.1.7 Stable release with multisite. Click, doubleclick and onrotation event; shortcode, multiple shows, relative upload folder path, loop option, natural sense of interaction, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen optimization, hide commands and start reversed folder name without slash, subset of font-awesome and ionicons buttons, drag tips and better ajax preloader, 'ask for support' and 'rate this plugin' link, removed dbg msg on activation improved readme 1.1.6 Stable release with click, doubleclick and onrotation event; shortcode, multiple shows, relative upload folder path, loop option, natural sense of interaction, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen optimization, hide commands and start reversed folder name without slash, subset of font-awesome and ionicons buttons, drag tips and better ajax preloader, 'ask for support' and 'rate this plugin' link, removed dbg msg on activation improved readme 1.1.5 Stable release with click, doubleclick and onrotation event; shortcode, multiple shows, relative upload folder path, loop option, natural sense of interaction, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen optimization folder name without slash, subset of font-awesome and ionicons buttons, drag tips and better ajax preloader, 'ask for support' and 'rate this plugin' link, removed dbg msg on activation improved readme 1.1.4 Stable release with click, doubleclick and onrotation event; shortcode, multiple shows, relative upload folder path, loop option, natural sense of interaction, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen optimization folder name without slash, subset of font-awesome and ionicons buttons, drag tips and better ajax preloader, 'rate this plugin' link, removed dbg msg on activation 1.1.3 Stable release with click, doubleclick and onrotation event; shortcode, multiple shows, relative upload folder path, natural sense of interaction, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen optimization folder name without slash, subset of font-awesome and ionicons buttons, drag tips and better ajax preloader, 'rate this plugin' link, removed dbg msg on activation Stable release with click, doubleclick and onrotation event; shortcode, multiple shows, relative upload folder path, natural sense of interaction, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen optimization folder name without slash, subset of font-awesome and ionicons buttons, drag tips and better ajax preloader, 'rate this plugin' link 1.1.2 Stable release with click, doubleclick and onrotation event; shortcode, multiple shows, relative upload folder path, natural sense of interaction, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen optimization folder name without slash, subset of font-awesome and ionicons buttons, drag tips and better ajax preloader 1.1.1 Stable release with shortcode, multiple shows, relative upload folder path, natural sense of interaction, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen optimization folder name without slash, subset of font-awesome and ionicons buttons, drag tips and better ajax preloader 1.1.0 Stable release with shortcode, multiple shows, relative upload folder path, natural sense of interaction, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen optimization folder name without slash, subset of font-awesome and ionicons buttons 1.0.11 Basic version with shortcode and multiple shows, relative upload folder path and Play button with natural sense of interaction, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen (fix for osx, chrome both desktop and mobile), no more need to have '/' at the end of folder name, subset of font-awesome and ionicons buttons 1.0.10 Basic version with shortcode and multiple shows, relative upload folder path and Play button with natural sense of interaction, font-awesome buttons, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen (fix for osx, chrome both desktop and mobile), no more need to have '/' at the end of folder name 1.0.9 Basic version with shortcode and multiple shows, relative upload folder path and Play button with natural sense of interaction, font-awesome buttons, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen (fix for osx, chrome both desktop and mobile) 1.0.8 Basic version with shortcode and multiple shows, relative upload folder path and Play button with natural sense of interaction, font-awesome buttons, speed parameter, tooltips, full screen 1.0.7 Basic version with shortcode and multiple shows, relative upload folder path and Play button with natural sense of interaction, font-awesome buttons 1.0.6 Basic version with shortcode and multiple shows, relative upload folder path and Play button with natural sense of interaction 1.0.5 Basic version with shortcode and multiple shows, relative upload folder path and Play button 1.0.4 Basic version with shortcode and multiple shows, with relative upload folder path 1.0.3 Basic version with shortcode and multiple shows, still under development 1.0.2 Basic version with shortcode, still under development 1.0.1 Basic version updated, still under development 1.0 Basic version, still under development