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开发者 badasswp
更新时间 2025年2月11日 19:21
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


post import cpt sql convert.


1.0.0 1.0.1 1.1.0 1.2.0 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3.0


This plugin helps you migrate legacy SQL database tables to WordPress' Custom Post Types (CPT). It provides a user-friendly UI interface that enables users upload an SQL file which is then parsed and converted to a CPT with meta data that is recognisable within WordPress. If you ever need to migrate a non-WordPress database table into WP, look no further. This is exactly what you need! ✔️ Features Our plugin comes with everything you need to easily migrate SQL tables to CPTs. ✔️ Import & Convert to CPT feature. ✔️ Quick & Lightening Fast uploads. ✔️ Friendly, User Interface (UI). ✔️ Custom Post Type Capabilities. ✔️ Error Loggging Capabilities. ✔️ Custom Hooks to help you customize plugin behaviour. ✔️ Available in mutiple langauges such as Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi, Russian, German, Italian, Croatian, Spanish & French languages. ✔️ Backward compatible, works with most WP versions. ✨ Getting Started Head over to the SQL to CPT options page. Upload an SQL file of your choice by clicking on the Import SQL File. This would analyse your SQL table and show you the table name and table columns you are about to import. Once ready, click on the Convert to CPT button to complete the process. On import completion, you should now be re-directed to the Custom Post Type page of your newly imported data! You can get a taste of how this works, by using the demo link. ⚡ Why SQL to CPT ?
  1. Because you need something that works great and fast!
  2. Because you want to port your data across platforms easily.
  3. Because you don't want to spend hours building custom software for this.
  4. Because you think SQL to CPT is cool.
NB: At the moment, the SQL to CPT plugin currently does not provide a way for users to import more than one SQL table at a time, this feature should be available in future releases as well as the option to remove unused CPTs. 🔌🎨 Plug and Play or Customize The SQL to CPT plugin is built to work right out of the box. Simply install, activate and start using. Want to add your personal touch? All of our documentation can be found here. You can override the plugin's behaviour with custom logic of your own using hooks.


  1. Go to 'Plugins > Add New' on your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Search for 'SQL To CPT' plugin from the official WordPress plugin repository.
  3. Click 'Install Now' and then 'Activate'.
  4. Head over to the 'SQL to CPT' options page.
  5. Upload an SQL file of your choice and convert it to a Custom Post Type (CPT).


  • Import Modal - Select the SQL file you intend to import.
  • Custom Post Type page - List of uploaded data from SQL file.
  • Custom Post Type screen - Imported SQL data showing custom fields in CPT.


1.3.0 1.2.2 1.2.1 1.2.0 1.1.0 1.0.1 1.0.0