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Stats Website

开发者 LogoNike.Com
更新时间 2014年7月3日 14:35
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.9


google statistics search stats visitors analytics piwik count real time visit



Description: This plugin allows you to implement the advanced system of statistics of It will help you understand the development of your website. It gives you information you will not find in other similar services. It will help in the positioning of your website. A simple code that collects information and processes it for positive purposes. Get the id of your website and of user and start enjoying the benefits of having your system statistics on a remote server. Features


Statistics Website is easy to install like other plug-ins of Wordpress as you need to just follow the below mentioned steps:
  1. Copy el plugin from the downloaded and extracted file.
  2. Paste it in wp-Content/plugins folder on your Wordpress Installation
  3. Activate the plugin from Dashboard / Plugins window.
  4. Now Plugin is Activated.


  • Geolocalizacion
  • Referrers
  • Statistics