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Sticky Topbar

开发者 anwerashif
更新时间 2020年1月26日 19:06
PHP版本: 5.2.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2.2
版权: GNU General Public License v2.0 (or later)
版权网址: 版权信息


notification bar social media icons sticky topbar utility bar topbar for wordpress alert message bar



Sticky Topbar plugin lets user add an area at top of the website which is sticky. This plugin compatible with any WordPress themes. User can add social media URLs, call-to-action text with button and countdown timer. Fully responsive. There are many ways to add a topbar in WordPress website but flexibility of Sticky Topbar plugin helps user to do much more than any other topbar plugin. Using the plugin the website owner can promote his/her book, event ticket or any other landing page with a countdown timer. Features Compatibility Sticky Topbar is compatible with any WordPress theme.


  1. Upload the entire sticky-topbar folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory (or install directly by searching in Plugins > Add New)
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. In Settings menu you'll see submenu "Sticky Topbar", add or modify content for your topbar from the meta fields.


  • General Settings
  • Social Media Settings
  • CTA Text & Button Settings
  • Countdown Settings
  • Sticky Topbar Demo


Please upgrade to get the latest features and security updates.


1.0.0 The plugin will now add custom topbar before header in WordPress