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开发者 uiux
更新时间 2015年10月2日 16:37
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.3.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


google map journalism tool storymap StoryMapJS



StoryMapJS by Knight Lab is a free tool to help you tell stories on the web that highlight the locations of a series of events. Storymaps Wordpress plugin turns your Wordpress into a StoryMapJS authoring tool. Categorise StoryMap slides and view Slide categories as their own storymap. Easily embed StoryMaps into posts or pages with shortcodes. Features


StoryMaps is extremely easy to install and use.
  1. Upload storymaps to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory & activate
  2. Upload advanced custom fields or advaned custom fields pro to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory & activate
  3. Activate StoryMaps
  4. Create a few 'Storymap Slides'
  5. Create a Storymap and add Storymap Slides to it, order them if required.
  6. View Storymaps at its page URL or embed it into your post/page with this shortcode: [storymap id="example-unqiue" name="basic-storymap-example"] (id is a unique div id, name is the storymaps 'slug'). You can also embed a storymap slide-category into a post with the shortcode [storymap_archive slide_category="slide-category-slug"]
  7. View Gigapixel Storymaps at its page URL or embed it into your post/page with this shortcode: [gigapixel_storymap id="example-unqiue" name="basic-storymap-example"] (id is a unique div id, name is the gigapixel storymaps 'slug')


  • StoryMaps
  • Storymap Slides
  • Fullscreen StoryMap page template
  • Add new StoryMap Screen
  • Add new Slide Category Screen
  • Add new StoryMap Slide Screen
  • StoryMaps
  • Storymap Slides
  • Fullscreen StoryMap page template
  • Add new StoryMap Screen


1.0 Initial Release 1.01 *Fixing posttype filter on storymap slide relationship field 1.02 *Fixing map_type field name