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Stream to Papertrail

开发者 japh
更新时间 2015年9月8日 21:56
PHP版本: 4.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


tracking analytics log logging logs change activity logs activity log audit log changes actions admin actions stream hosted activity audit audit logs troubleshooting wp stream papertrail


0.0.3 0.0.4 0.0.5


Stream records activity on your WordPress site in your WordPress database. This plugin allows you to also send those records to Papertrail for safe-keeping (and from there, you can also archive to Amazon S3). Development of Stream to Papertrail takes place on GitHub. If you have problems or suggestions, please create an issue there.


  1. Search for Stream to Papertrail in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Install the plugin, and activate it.
  3. Set the Destination for Papertrail on your Stream settings screen.


  • Papertrail's display of colourised logs
  • Papertrail's display of colourised logs
  • Papertrail's display of colourised logs
  • Papertrail's display of colourised logs
  • Papertrail's display of colourised logs


0.0.5 - September 8, 2015 Props @Japh, @sirjonathan, @Troy 0.0.4 - September 7, 2015 Props @Japh 0.0.3 - September 7, 2015 Props @Japh 0.0.2 - September 5, 2015 Props @Japh 0.0.1 - September 3, 2015 Props @Japh, @Troy