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Styleguide - Custom Fonts and Colors

开发者 binarymoon
更新时间 2024年1月30日 18:27
PHP版本: 4.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.5.0
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


css fonts color localization customizer colors google fonts colour localize colours



Quickly and easily edit fonts and colors in your WordPress themes using the WordPress Customizer so that you can get live previews before saving the new settings. Perfect for giving your website a unique look without having to hire a designer or make code changes yourself. All default WordPress themes are fully supported and support for more themes will be added in the future. All other themes can customize fonts. Styleguide uses a carefully chosen selection of the top 45 Google Fonts to give you a lot of options for personalising your site. Features Supported Character Sets Styleguide supports fonts that have a variety of different character sets. This makes selecting a font for your language super easy. The supported character sets are: By default Styleguide uses Latin. To limit the font choice to those supporting your character set you should go to Settings → General → Character Set and select your set there. Supported Themes Developers can add support for their themes quite easily - see the 'Other Notes' tab for more info. If you're in the market for a WordPress theme then you could check out my Premium GPL WordPress themes site here:


  • Twenty Thirteen with some alternate colors
  • Twenty Thirteen with some alternate colors
  • Twenty Thirteen with some alternate colors
  • Twenty Thirteen with some alternate colors
  • Twenty Thirteen with some alternate colors


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