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开发者 oreste
更新时间 2011年2月25日 22:38
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.0.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.1





As the plugin name indicates, Sudoku WordPress plugin allows to play the homonymous game. It displays a grid 9�9 cells, composed by 9 sub-grids 3�3 cells. It generates a random sequence at the first sub-grid top left, then calculates the remaining 8 sub-grids. It fills the whole grid according to level of difficulty chosen through the appropriate plugin option. It allows to regenerate the grid as much times as the user wishes just by reloading or refreshing the page. Once the grid is generated, displays two buttons, the first shows a hint, the other shows a complete solution. The plugin starts by showing a grid 9�9 cells partially filled with numbers and partially with blank cells where the user can input guessed numbers. Two buttons will also appear: �Hint� and �Solution�. By pressing �Hint� the guessed numbers will change their colour according to the guess, a correct guess will show the guessed number with green colour, a wrong guess will result with a red colour. By pressing �Solution� all the grid will be filled with the correct numbers. The cells background colour can be set through the plugin options. Insert in a page or article the following code: [sudoku_wp options] where �options� is a list of options comma separated. Example: [sudoku_wp 5,white,blue,28,Arial,540,black,yellow,100] Available options are: holes: number of holes per row (min 2, max 6) colo: colour of sudoku numbers back0: background colour of sudoku table fsiz: size of sudoku numbers in pixels ffam: font-family of sudoku numbers side: physical size of sudoku 9�9 square plus buttons in pixels bucol: colour of buttons font buback: colour of buttons background bumar: margin left of buttons


  1. Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Place [sudoku_wp options] in your page or article


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