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Super Payments - WooCommerce Payment Gateway

开发者 superalexjones
更新时间 2025年2月20日 22:01
WordPress版本: 6.6
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce super super payments


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Super Payments is the world’s first payment provider to offer WooCommerce businesses fee-free payments & customer refunds. No catches, no hidden charges. You can also opt in for Cash Rewards, a proportion of the sale price you’re willing to offer as money off a customer’s next purchase, to drive: You only fund the Cash Reward if your customer returns to you and buys again. Super Payments wants businesses and shoppers to keep more of their money. We’re making it possible by eliminating the high fees on the internet charged by payments companies so that merchants can pass on these extra savings to their customers. The Super Payments Gateway extension for WooCommerce allows you to take free payments from your customers either via a card (Credit/Debit) or open banking (paid from your customer’s banking app, straight to your business bank account). Features Account and Pricing To use this extension you'll need to create a separate account on Super Payments here before you can add Super to your checkout and take payments from your customers. The Super Payments extension is free forever. Security Benefits


The full step-by-step details of how to sign up and integrate can be found here. There are a number of configuration options available via the plugin settings page. Some of the settings enabled by default include a selection of on-site messaging components designed to increase conversion and the selection of Super as the default payment method. All of the plugin options can be enabled or disabled via the settings page.


1.30.6 (2025-02-20) 1.30.5 (2025-02-19) 1.30.4 (2025-02-12)