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Superb Social Media Share Buttons and Follow Buttons

开发者 SuPlugins
更新时间 2025年2月25日 20:00
PHP版本: 5.2.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


media social share follow buttons


1.1.9 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.0.9 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.4 1.0.5 1.0.6 1.0.8 1.0.3 1.1.3 1.0.2 1.1.2 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.0.7 1.2.0


Social Media Share Buttons & Follow Buttons. Social Share Icons. 25+ Social networks. Icon & Button Shortcodes. Floating Sidebar. Increase traffic to your website with our GDPR compliant, lightweight and responsive social media share buttons and social media follow buttons for WordPress. Gain new followers or have your message shared. Our plugin is compatible with cache plugins and works with most common eCommerce, page builder and affiliate plugins such as: WooCommerce, Beaver Builder, Elementor, Page Builder and Easy Digital Downloads. Social share icons are easily identifiable for followers, viewers and clients. You can insert the social buttons and icons in widgets or Gutenberg blocks. We have optimized the buttons for SEO optimization making them lightweight. The slick button design will help provide a high conversion rate. The buttons can be shown automatically on every post or page as well as with one or two floating sidebar(s). Get in contact with your audience today, with our superb buttons! Visit our website to read our tutorial on How to Add Social Media “Share” and “Follow” Buttons to Your WordPress Website with Superb Social Share Buttons


  • Share buttons - Added at the end of a post.
  • Follow buttons - Floating sidebar positioned at right center.
  • Share buttons - General settings.
  • Share buttons - Active social media settings.
  • Follow buttons - Active social media settings.


Does it work with all themes and plugins such as website / page builders?

Yes, the plugin works with BuddyPress, bbPress, WooCommerce, Elementor, Beaver Builder, Divi, Themify Builder, Brizy, Visual Page Builder, Live Composer, Oxygen, Visual Composer, Page Builder by SiteOrigin, WP Page Builder, Gutenberg (The WordPress 5.0 page editor) and GeneratePress. We try to update the plugin so it works with all drag and drop page builder plugins. The plugin works with all WordPress themes with page builders integrated too.

Can I create my own custom social media follow icon?

The short answer is that we're working on it. We believe it's important that our lovely users and customers can create a custom design for their follow button, share button, follow icon and share icon. Currently, we offer different designs, available shapes are rectangular, round and square. We try to create designs for what's modern and make sure we have professional designs for blogs and business websites. The goal is that you can go to your media library and pick any video or image to use as an icon. We'll do so it works with PNG, JPEG, SVG and, JPG. We're also working on integrating custom colors, custom fonts and

Which features are gonna be released in 2021?

We cannot promise anything, but we are currently working on the following features: Google Analytics integration, social share pop up, the possibility to add social icons on photos, custom icons design, custom buttons design, custom images, constant animations, animate on hover, on-click animation, custom settings for 404 page, categories and search.

Can I contribute?

Yes! You need no coding & no programming skills to help us - what we need most of all is help with translations. We'd love to make it translatable when using plugins such as WPML, TranslatePress, Polylang, Weglot, MultilingualPress, Translate WordPress with GTranslate, Google Website Translator, and Loco Translate.

Where can I add the shortcodes?

You can pretty much add them anywhere, for example in an email marketing popup, a custom post type, in PHP or in the Gutenberg Shortcode Block or show them in a footer widget. Shortcodes are great for WP beginners because it's simple and easy to add them. There is no shortcode for the floating share sidebar & floating follow icon sidebar, only the regular icons horizontal icons.


1.2.0 Various fixes and improvements. 1.1.9 Fixed link validation for 1.1.8 Minor fixes. 1.1.7 Changed Twitter to X. Added Threads button. Added Mastodon button. Added Goodreads button. 1.1.6 Fixed messages in PHP 8+ if debug enabled. 1.1.5 Fixed user access issue and issues that could generate PHP warnings. 1.1.3 GDPR compliance update. 1.1.2 Fixed rare incompatibility issue. 1.1.1 Added Telegram share & follow button. 1.1.0 Compatibility for Superb Helper menu. 1.0.9 Minor UI update. 1.0.8 Fixed an issue that caused some text translations to require a reactivation before being displayed. 1.0.7 New Social Media Buttons available for WhatsApp, TikTok, BandCamp, Apple Music, and more. 1.0.6 Minor UI fixes 1.0.5 Fixed text domain. Plugin should now correctly be translatable with Loco Translate. 1.0.4 Fixed an issue where the plugin could cause favicons to not be displayed correctly. 1.0.3 Share buttons added with shortcode on frontpage now shares the blog URL correctly. 1.0.2 Added re-ordering for social media buttons. (Table DnD: 1.0.1 Fixed URL validation. 1.0.0 Release