This plugin adds a Widget that allows you to show show the social media links as vector icons.
To use it, follow these steps after activation:
- Create a menu with links to your social media channels
- Select “SVG Social Menu” as menu location and save it
- Drag the widget “SVG Social Menu” in one of your widget areas
You can filter the custom CSS with the following code in your theme, where
is the CSS:
`function slug_edit_svg_social_menu_styles( $styles ) {
$styles = 'yourStyles';
return $styles;
add_filter( 'svg_social_menu_inline_style', 'slug_edit_svg_social_menu_styles' );`
If you want to add CSS to the default rules, try this:
`function slug_edit_svg_social_menu_styles( $styles ) {
$styles .= 'additionalStyles';
return $styles;
add_filter( 'svg_social_menu_inline_style', 'slug_edit_svg_social_menu_styles' );`
The following social network URLs are supported:
If you want more or have other problems, you can create an issue on