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Synchronised Pages

开发者 sseb35
更新时间 2015年11月29日 06:17
PHP版本: 4.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.4
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


pages template content template engine



An easy way to describe this plugin is to give an example: imagine you want to create a small website for a festival in which each concert has specific hours, title, band/musicians, description… Without this plugin, you have to create by hand all the pages. With this plugin you can put all informations in a spreadsheet, create a template for the pages, and then automatically generate all the pages. The three steps of the workflow:
  1. Create the database of all your events/pages you want to create
  2. Create the template for your futures pages
  3. Launch the tool
In the posts list, you can view all the generated pages tagged with the word ”Synchronised” and the template is tagged with the word ”Template”. Obviously, the generated posts appear to the public.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
  1. Download the code from GitHub:
  2. Upload the directory synchronised-pages in the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
With default settings, you can only generate pages, not posts; you can change this setting in the menu Settings > Writing > Synchronised Pages.




Are the templates public?

No. They are similar to Private posts.

If some pages already exist, are they remplaced or re-created?

Currently, pages whose the title already exist are remplaced, so the old content is overwritten by the generated new content. Possibly in the future, an option will give the choice.

Is it the same thing as “child pages”?

Not exactly. Child pages is a feature specific for the post type “Page” (not standard “Posts”) where you can say a given page is a child of some other page, it is useful to show a hierarchical list of pages. Here the synchronised pages are only similar in their layout. But if you want make that all synchronised pages have a parent page, it’s up to you to make it – you can automatically get the list of all synchronised pages from a given import.


0.2 Beta version. First public version. 0.1 Alpha version. Working and stable plugin, could be 1.0 but some parts of code should be rewritten.