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Tabs Block Lite

开发者 troytempleman
更新时间 2024年3月21日 08:05
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.4.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


responsive block accessible tab hide tabs show panel sections panels




Tabs Block Lite adds an accessible and responsive Tabs block to the block editor inserter that can be added to display horizontal list items that can be selected to show their associated sections of content. Ideal for condensing longform or complex content. Also useful for reducing page scrolling. Features Demo HTML Tabs Block Lite will output a Tabs block with the following HTML structure: Panel


Tabs Block Lite can be installed in one of the following four ways: Automatic To install with the built-in plugin installer:
  1. Login to your WordPress site at, where is the domain of your WordPress site.
  2. On the Dashboard page, in the left menu, click Plugins.
  3. On the Plugins page, click Add New Plugin.
  4. On the Add Plugins page, in the Search plugins... field, type Tabs Block Lite.
  5. In the Search Results, locate Tabs Block Lite, click Install Now and Activate.
Upload To install with a .zip file:
  1. Login to your WordPress site at, where is the domain of your WordPress site.
  2. On the Dashboard page, in the left menu, click Plugins.
  3. On the Plugins page, click Add New Plugin.
  4. On the Add Plugins page, click Upload Plugin.
  5. Click Choose File, locate the .zip file and click Open.
  6. Click Install Now.
  7. On the Installing Plugin from uploaded file page, click Activate.
Manual To install with a SFTP client:
  1. If you have a .zip file, unzip it with archiving software such as WinZip or Archive Utility.
  2. In a SFTP client such as WinSCP or FileZilla, connect to your WordPress site directory on your server.
  3. In the unzipped files, copy the tabs-block-lite folder and paste on your server, in your site’s wp-content/plugins folder.
  4. Login to your WordPress site at, where is the domain of your WordPress site.
  5. On the Dashboard page, in the left menu, click Plugins.
  6. On the Plugins page, locate Tabs Block Lite and click Activate.
Theme To install in your theme instead of a plugin:
  1. If you have a .zip file, unzip it with archiving software such as WinZip or Archive Utility.
  2. In the unzipped files, copy the tabs-block-lite folder and paste in your site’s theme folder, such as wp-content/themes/your-theme/inc/tabs-block-lite/, where your-theme is your theme folder.
  3. In a code editor such as Visual Studio Code or Notepad++, open your theme's functions.php file.
  4. In your functions.php file, add the path from Step 2, such as require get_stylesheet_directory() . '/inc/tabs-block-lite/tabs-block-lite.php';.
  5. Save and close your functions.php file.


  • Tabs block variations **[Pro]**.
  • Tabs block settings sidebar **[Pro]**.
  • Tabs block settings sidebar **[Pro]**.
  • Tabs block on the front end.


What are tabs?

Tabs are a common UI/UX pattern that can help reduce or condense the amount of information presented to users. They are a set of layered sections of content with interactive headings that each contain a title, content snippet, or thumbnail representing a section of content. The headings function as controls that enable users to reveal their associated sections of content. Tabs are commonly used to reduce the need to scroll when presenting multiple sections of content on a single page. The term stems from tabs on file folders in a filing cabinet that are used for separation and organization. To learn more, see Tabs Pattern.

How do I install Tabs Block Lite?

Please see Installation section.

How do I add a Tabs block?

  1. Login to your WordPress site at, where is the domain of your WordPress site.
  2. On the Dashboard page, in the left menu, click Posts or Pages.
  3. On the Posts or Pages page, either click Add New, search for and/or click the desired post or page title.
  4. In the block editor, either:
  5. Click the block inserter + icon in the top toolbar
  6. Click the block inserter + icon to the right of an empty block, or
  7. Click the block inserter + icon between blocks
  8. In the block inserter pop-up modal window, search for and/or click Tabs to add a Tabs block.

How do I edit a Tabs block?

  1. Login to your WordPress site at, where is the domain of your WordPress site.
  2. On the Dashboard page, in the left menu, click Posts or Pages.
  3. On the Posts or Pages page, search for and/or click the desired post or page title.
  4. In the block editor, click the desired Tabs block.
  5. To edit the whole Tabs block:
  6. In the block toolbar above, click the Tabs icon, select the desired position, block alignment, justification, text formatting and/or other options.
  7. In the settings sidebar, in the Block tab, select the desired Color, Typography, Dimensions and/or Border settings.
  8. To edit a Tab within a Tabs block:
  9. Click the desired Tab title and/or panel to edit.
  10. In the block toolbar above, select the desired position, justification, text alignment, text formatting and/or other options.
  11. In the settings sidebar, in the Block tab, select the desired Color, Typography, Dimensions and/or Advanced settings.
  12. To add a Tab, click the + button below the Tabs block.

How do I setup a development environment?

  1. Install WordPress on a local server such as Local, Docker, MAMP or XAMPP.
  2. To install Tabs Block Lite on your local site, see Installation section.
  3. If node.js is not already installed locally, go to to install.
  4. In a Command Line Interface (CLI) such as Command Prompt or Terminal, navigate to the tabs-block-lite folder. For example, cd localhost/your-site/wp-content/plugins/tabs-block-lite.
  5. To install project dependencies, type npm install.
  6. In the tabs-block-lite folder, edit the desired file or files.
  7. To create or update the production build directory, type npm run build. For other commands, type npm run.


0.1.0 - November 15, 2023