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Logo Slider Carousel

开发者 themescode
更新时间 2020年5月15日 15:31
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.4.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


slider logo carousel ticker carousel logo logo showcase sponsors clients logo slide show logo slider logo slideshow client logo logo carousel wordpress Logo Carousel Slider client logo display



Logo Slider Carousel is an easy plugin to display logo carousel slider of clients, business partners or affiliates along with title, URL on your website. Responsive design and easy to embed in any post or page using shortcode [tc-logo-slider] . also can be add in themes PHP template using TC Logo Slider Carousel Plugin Features: Tc Logo Carousel key Features In Free Version You can create unlimited Carousel using category Use following shortcode to display clients, partners or sponsors Logo. Basic Usages The Shortcode Below will show all Logos: [tc-logo-slider] The Shortcode Below will show a carousel slider from Logos of a category like donars: [tc-logo-slider logo_cat="donars"] The Shortcode Below will show Logos of a category like clients with ASC order [tc-logo-slider logo_cat="clients" order="ASC"] Pro Version Features: Tc Logo Carousel key Features In Pro Version Watch the video tutorial. Upgrade to PRO »


Use following shortcode to display clients, partners or sponsors Logo. Watch the video tutorial. Basic Usages The Shortcode Below will show all Logos: [tc-logo-slider] The Shortcode Below will show Logos of a category like donars: [tc-logo-slider logo_cat="donars"] The Shortcode Below will show Logos of a category like clients with ASC order [tc-logo-slider logo_cat="clients" order="ASC"] Installing TC Logo Slider is easy like a regular WordPress plugin. Here goes the step by step Guide to Install TC Logo Slider plugin : Install Plugin using WordPress Admin Panel Search Option Install Plugin using Upload Method in WordPress Admin Panel Install Plugin using FTP Manager


  • Demo 1 -  free version .
  • Demo 2 - Title on Top (Pro Version)
  • Demo 3 - Title on Top grayscale effect (Pro Version)
  • Demo 4 - Tooltip top On Hover (Pro Version)
  • Demo 5 - Title Bottom  (Pro Version)
  • Demo 6 - Title Bottom 2 with border (Pro Version)
  • Demo 7 - Logo List style 1  (Pro Version)
  • Demo 8 - Logo List style 2 (Pro Version)
  • Demo 9 - Logo Grid style 1  (Pro Version)
  • Demo 10 - Logo Grid style 2 (Pro Version)
  • Demo 11 - Logo Filter (Pro Version)
  • Basic Setting (free/Pro Version)
  • Advanced Settings (free/Pro Version)
  • General Styling (Pro Version)
  • Filter layout setting (Pro Version)
  • Grid Layout setting(Pro Version)


version 1.8 version 1.7 version 1.6 version 1.5 version 1.4 version 1.3 version 1.0.1 version 1.0