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TCP Referrer Shortcode

开发者 tcpteam
更新时间 2022年3月30日 11:23
PHP版本: 5.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.8.4
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


shortcode woocommerce blog referrer referer thecartpress


1.0 1.1.0


TCP Referrer Shortcode used to display the referer link inside your blog post or product description. This is useful when you try to bring back the user to your referrer site after user finish reading/browsing the on landing page. KEY FEATURES Plugin doesn't fit your requirement? Find out more plugins in TheCartPress or We have added a welcome page to display all plugins from TheCartPress inside the plugin menu. You can easily preview and choose the plugin that might fit your requirement inside the admin page. All plugins information displayed inside the menu are getting from TheCartPress server.


Unzip and Upload Folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Activate through WordPress plugin dashboard page. Save Changes.


Why is the shortcode display empty/blank

This plugin will get and save referrer link when detected utm_source or http_referer. If the link doesn't include utm_source or http_referer doesn't set by user agent then nothing will be displayed. You can set the default link inside the shortcode in case above condition happened. eg: [tcp_referer]

Why is the referrer link not hyperlink/non-clickable

pass linkify=1 inside the shortcode to make it clickable. [tcp_referer linkify=1]


1.1.0 1.0