Add a beautiful section with your team members on your site using the WordPress Team plugin. All you have to do is add the people, take the [teammates] shortcode, and paste it anywhere you want.
- Custom post type for team members. The plugin simply creates a beautiful team section, which you can use on your site to introduce your company's members.
- Easy shortcode integration. After you've added all your team members, you can simply use a the shortcode [teammates] to add the section to the site. You just need to copy and paste it.
- Compatibility with all themes. No matter what theme you're using, the plugin will display the team in a nice way, as it was made to adapt to any kind of design.
- Works in any location on the site. You can easily add the team shortcode anywhere on the site, including posts and pages. It will fit very well.
- Friendly and intuitive meet the team showcase plugin. The plugin offers a very friendly, modern, and intuitive interface that lets you add the team members in a few clicks. It is very easy to
use by anyone.
- Lightweight and ready in a few clicks. After you install the plugin, it won't take long to create the team section, as it can be customized quickly, in a few clicks. Besides, Teammates was made to load fast, so your site's speed won't be affected at all.
- Puts your team members in the spotlight. You can introduce your team to the clients in a great way, by adding to each member a description, an image, their role, their social accounts, and more.