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Technorati Tag Cloud Widget for WordPress 2.3

开发者 gormful
更新时间 2007年10月20日 08:39
PHP版本: 2.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.3


widget tags tag cloud terms Technorati tags Wordpress 2.3



This plugin adds a widget that enables the user to add a tag cloud linking to Technorati in their sidebar by dragging and dropping a widget. It uses WordPress 2.3's native tagging/taxonomy system.


  1. Unzip or extract the file wp23-techtag-cloud-widget.php.
  2. Upload the file to your plugins folder (wp-content/plugins/)
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  4. Go to Admin > Presentation > Widgets and drag and drop the widget labeled "Technorati Tag Cloud" in your sidebar.
  5. Configuring the widget is absolutely optional.
  6. Click on Save Changes. That's it.