Text 2 Speech shortcode plugin allows you to automatically transform any text between shortcodes to a HTML5 mp3 player where Google voice will read your text.
Text 2 Speech supports multiple languages, autoplay and it also downloads every mp3 file to your wp-content folder, so you will reduce translation requests.
- Plugin just calls Google services once for each sentence, downloading the mp3 to a "audio" folder in wp-content/ uploads / for future calls.
- The shortcode support multiple languages using a parameter "lang".
- The shortcode accepts autoplay using the "autoplay" parameter.
- To show the player, HTML5 label is used. It requires a browser with support for this label.
- The service does not support long texts, the plugin will work well for texts under 100 characters.
- Plugin requires the PHP cURL library installed on your server to work properly.
Usage example:
[text2speech_shortcode lang=”en”]This is the most amazing plugin in the world[/text2speech_shortcode]
[text2speech_shortcode lang=”es” autoplay="1"]Este plugin es la caña de España[/text2speech_shortcode]
Demo and support (Spanish and English):
- Download & Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Use shortcode anywhere in your site:
Shortcode examples:
[text2speech_shortcode lang=”en”]This is the most amazing plugin in the world[/text2speech_shortcode]
[text2speech_shortcode lang=”es” autoplay="1"]Este plugin es la caña de España[/text2speech_shortcode]